Title: Immune response of pigs after aplication of Lactobacillus Reuteri and E. Coli.
Record: HÚSKA, Miroslav - LEHOCKÝ, Ján - KLIKOVÁ, Katarína - REICHEL, Peter - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - BÍREŠ, Jozef. Immune response of pigs after aplication of Lactobacillus Reuteri and E. Coli. In: "Choroby cielat jagniat i prosiat". Olsztyn : Akademia rolniczno-techniczna w Olsztynie, 1997. 19. - 20. 9.1997, s. 26-28.
Year: 1997
Category: AFC - Published papers at foreign scientific conferences
Authors:HÚSKA Miroslav0 %
KLIKOVÁ Katarína0 %
REICHEL Peter0 %
KOVÁČ Gabriel0 %
BÍREŠ Jozef0 %
Edition: "Choroby cielat jagniat i prosiat"
19. - 20. 9.1997, S. 26-28
Publisher: Akademia rolniczno-techniczna w Olsztynie
Place of issue: Olsztyn
Country of issue: Poland
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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