Title: Utilization of side products of nutrias rearing.
Record: MATTOVÁ, Jolana - BULECA, Ján - CHOLEWA, R. - ONDRAŠOVIČ, Miloslav - MIŠKO, Ján. Utilization of side products of nutrias rearing. In: The 2nd International conference on animal-protection, trapping, farming, skin processing and fur marketing in Budapest City from 25th till 27th February, 1997. 1997. s.
Year: 1997
Category: AFC - Published papers at foreign scientific conferences
Authors:MATTOVÁ Jolana0 %
ONDRAŠOVIČ Miloslav0 %
MIŠKO Ján0 %
Edition: The 2nd International conference on animal-protection, trapping, farming, skin processing and fur marketing in Budapest City from 25th till 27th February, 1997
Country of issue: Hungary
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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