Title: The effect of natural zeolites on the relase of ammoni: the solid fraction of pig slurry.
Record: VARGOVÁ, Milada - ONDRAŠOVIČ, Miloslav - ONDRAŠOVIČOVÁ, Oľga - PARA, Ľudovít - VEN, J. - SASÁKOVÁ, Naďa. The effect of natural zeolites on the relase of ammoni: the solid fraction of pig slurry. In: 9th International Congress in Animal Hygiene 17-21 august 1997 Helsinki, Finland, Proceeding Volume 2. 1997. s. 717-720.
Year: 1997
Category: AFC - Published papers at foreign scientific conferences
Authors:VARGOVÁ Milada0 %
ONDRAŠOVIČ Miloslav0 %
PARA Ľudovít0 %
VEN J.0 %
Edition: 9th International Congress in Animal Hygiene 17-21 august 1997 Helsinki, Finland, Proceeding Volume 2
S. 717-720
Country of issue: Finland
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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