Title: Preparation of radioimmunoassay (RIA) for determination of types A and B staphylococcal enterotoxins.
Record: GONDOĽ, Július - FOTTA, Marián - HOLEČKOVÁ, Beáta - KALINÁČOVÁ, Viera - TOROPILA, Michal. Preparation of radioimmunoassay (RIA) for determination of types A and B staphylococcal enterotoxins. In: International Symposium on diagnosis and control of livestock diseases using nuclear and ralated techniques "Toward disease control in the 21st Century", Vienna, Austria, 7-11 April 1997. 1997. s. nestr.
Year: 1997
Category: AFE - Abstracts of invited papers from foreign scientific conferences
Authors:GONDOĽ Július0 %
FOTTA Marián0 %
TOROPILA Michal0 %
Edition: International Symposium on diagnosis and control of livestock diseases using nuclear and ralated techniques "Toward disease control in the 21st Century", Vienna, Austria, 7-11 April 1997
S. nestr.
Country of issue: Austria
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
2013: [1] TSUI, P.-Y. - CHIAO, D.-J. - WEY, J.-J. - LIU, C.-C. - YU, C.-P. - SHYU, R.-H. Development of staphylococcal enterotoxin B detection strips and application of seb detection strips in food. In Journal of Medical Sciences (Taiwan), 2013, 33, 5, pp. 285-291. [Scopus]
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