Title: Pestiviruses isolated from pigs, cattle and sheep can be allocated into at least three genogroups using polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. : [Petivírusy izolované z prasiat, hovädzieho dobytka a oviec môžu byť rozdelené do 3 génových skupín s využitím PCR a štiepenia reštrikčnými endonukleázami]
Record: VILČEK, Štefan - HERRING, Alan J. - HERRING, Judith A. - NETTLETON, Peter F. - LOWINGS, Paul J. - PATON, David James. Pestiviruses isolated from pigs, cattle and sheep can be allocated into at least three genogroups using polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis. : [Petivírusy izolované z prasiat, hovädzieho dobytka a oviec môžu byť rozdelené do 3 génových skupín s využitím PCR a štiepenia reštrikčnými endonukleázami] In: Archives of virology. 1994. ISSN 0304-8608, Vol. 136, č. 3-4 (1994), s. 309-323.
(1994: 1.223 - IF)
Year: 1994
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:VILČEK Štefan0 %
HERRING Alan J.0 %
HERRING Judith A.0 %
LOWINGS Paul J.0 %
PATON David James0 %
Edition: Archives of virology
Vol. 136, č. 3-4 (1994), s. 309-323
Country of issue: Austria
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1994: 1.223 - IF
Language: english
2023: [1] BAUMBACH, Leticia F. - MOSENA, Ana Cristina S. - ALVES, Raquel S. - CAMARGO, Laura J. - OLEGARIO, Juliana C. - LOBRAICO, Leonardo R. - COSTA, Joao Marcos N. - BORBA, Mauro R. - BAUERMANN, Fernando V. - WEBER, Matheus N. - CANAL, Claudio W. HoBi-like Pestivirus Is Highly Prevalent in Cattle Herds in the Amazon Region (Northern Brazil). In VIRUSES-BASEL, 2023, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/v15020453.
2023: [1] BOUZALAS, Ilias G. - GELASAKIS, Athanasios I. - CHASSALEVRIS, Taxiarchis - APOSTOLIDI, Evangelia D. - PAPPAS, Fotis - EKATERINIADOU, Loukia - BOUKOUVALA, Evridiki - ZDRAGAS, Antonios. Circulation of Pestiviruses in Small Ruminants from Greece: First Molecular Identification of Border Disease Virus. In Vaccines, 2023-05-01, 11, 5, pp. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11050918.
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2023: [1] HEADLEY, Selwyn Arlington - AGNOL, Alais Maria Dall - OLIVEIRA, Thalita Evani Silva - BON, Vinicius Rodrigues - SCUISATO, Gabriela Sanches - XAVIER, Ana Aparecida Correa - YASUMITSU, Carolina Yuka - ALFIERI, Alice Fernandes - ALFIERI, Amauri Alcindo. Possible Association of Bovine Gammaherpesvirus 6 with Pulmonary Disease in a Cow. In ANIMALS, 2023, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. ISSN 2076-2615. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13030417.
2023: [1] HEADLEY, Selwyn Arlington - FRITZEN, Juliana Torres Tomazi - SILVA, Denise Correia - XAVIER, Ana Aparecida Correa - YASUMITSU, Carolina Yuka - SILVA, Flavia Helena Pereira - ALFIERI, Alice Fernandes - SOETHE, Ailton Maziero - ALFIERI, Amauri Alcindo. Histophilus somni disease conditions with simultaneous infections by ovine gammaherpesvirus 2 in cattle herds from Southern Brazil. In Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2023-06-01, 54, 2, pp. 1169-1179. ISSN 15178382. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42770-023-00915-5.
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2022: [1] HEADLEY, Selwyn Arlington - AMORIM DE LEMOS, Gisele Augusta - DALL AGNOL, Alais Maria - CORREA XAVIER, Ana Aparecida - ANTUNES DEPES, Victoria Coronado - YASUMITSU, Carolina Yuka - SILVA OLIVEIRA, Thalita Ernani - SILVA, Luara Evangelista - FACCIN, Tatiane Cargnin - ALFIERI, Amauri Alcindo - NAYLOR LISBOA, Julio Augusto. Ovine gammaherpesvirus 2 infections in cattle without typical manifestations of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever and concomitantly infected with bovine coronavirus. In BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 1517-8382, 2022, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 433-446. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42770-021-00653-6.
2022: [1] HEADLEY, Selwyn Arlington - TOMAZI FRITZEN, Juliana Torres - BON, Vinicius Rodrigues - CORREA XAVIER, Ana Aparecida - DALL AGNOL, Alais Maria - ZUCOLOTO, Natalia Zaparoli - PEREIRA SILVA, Flavia Helena - XIMENES FIGUEIREDO, Julia Raisa - ALFIERI, Alice Fernandes - OKANO, Werner - ALFIERI, Amauri Alcindo. Detection of bovine gammaherpesvirus 6 in tissues of aborted fetuses from dairy cows concomitantly infected by Histophilus somni. In MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS, 2022, vol. 169, no., pp. ISSN 0882-4010. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2022.105621.
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2021: [1] AGNOL, Alais M. Dall - LORENZETTI, Elis - LEME, Raquel A. - LADEIA, Winni A. - MAINARDI, Raffaella M. - BERNARDI, Amauri - HEADLEY, Selwyn A. - FREIRE, Roberta L. - PEREIRA, Ulisses P. - ALFIERI, Alice F. - ALFIERI, Amauri A. Severe outbreak of bovine neonatal diarrhea in a dairy calf rearing unit with multifactorial etiology. In BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 1517-8382, 2021, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 2547-2553. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42770-021-00565-5.
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2018: [1] ALPAY, Gizem - ONER, Eda Baldan - YESILBAG, Kadir. Seroepidemiology and molecular investigation of pestiviruses among sheep and goats in Northwest Anatolia. In TURKISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY & ANIMAL SCIENCES. ISSN 1300-0128, 2018, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 205-210. [WoS]
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2018: [1] CIBULSKI, Samuel - RIVERA-PATRON, Mariana - SUAREZ, Norma - PIREZ, Macarena - ROSSI, Silvina - YENDO, Anna Carolina - DE COSTA, Fernanda - GOSMANN, Grace - FETT-NETO, Arthur - ROEHE, Paulo Michel - SILVEIRA, Fernando. Leaf saponins of Quillaja brasiliensis enhance long-term specific immune responses and promote dose-sparing effect in BVDV experimental vaccines. In VACCINE. ISSN 0264-410X, 2018, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 55-65. [WoS]
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2018: [1] GOMEZ-ROMERO, N. - BASURTO-ALCANTARA, F. J. - VERDUGO-RODRIGUEZ, A. - LAGUNES-QUINTANILLA, R. - BAUERMANN, F. V. - RIDPATH, J. F. Detection of border disease virus in Mexican cattle. In TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES. ISSN 1865-1674, 2018, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 267-271. [WoS]
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2017: [1] BAPTISTA, Anderson Lopes - REZENDE, Amanda Lima - FONSECA, Pedro de Almeida - MASSI, Rodrigo Pelisson - NOGUEIRA, Geison Morel - MAGALHAES, Layane Queiroz - HEADLEY, Selwyn Arlington - MENEZES, Guilherme Lobato - ALFIERI, Amauri Alcindo - ELSEN SAUT, Joao Paulo. Bovine respiratory disease complex associated mortality and morbidity rates in feedlot cattle from southeastern Brazil. In JOURNAL OF INFECTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. ISSN 1972-2680, 2017, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 791-799. [WoS]
2017: [1] BAUERMANN, F. V. - FALKENBERG, S. M. - RIDPATH, J. F. HoBi-Like Virus RNA Detected in Foetuses Following Challenge of Pregnant Cows that had Previously Given Birth to Calves Persistently Infected with Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus. In TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES. ISSN 1865-1674, 2017, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 1624-1632. [WoS]
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2017: [1] CHENG, Zhangrui - CHAUHAN, Latta - BARRY, Amy Teresa - ABUDUREYIMU, Ayimuguli - OGUEJIOFOR, Chike F. - CHEN, Xing - WATHES, D. Claire. Acute bovine viral diarrhea virus infection inhibits expression of interferon tau-stimulated genes in bovine endometrium. In BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION. ISSN 0006-3363, 2017, vol. 96, no. 6, pp. 1142-1153. [WoS]
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2017: [1] FALKENBERG, Shollie M. - BAUERMANN, Fernando V. - RIDPATH, Julia F. Characterization of thymus-associated lymphoid depletion in bovine calves acutely or persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus 1, bovine viral diarrhea virus 2 or HoBi-like pestivirus. In ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY. ISSN 0304-8608, 2017, vol. 162, no. 11, pp. 3473-3480. [WoS]
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2017: [1] GOKTUNA, Pelin Tuncer - YESILBAG, Kadir. Evaluation of diagnostic methods for the detection of pestiviruses in clinical samples. In TURKISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY & ANIMAL SCIENCES. ISSN 1300-0128, 2017, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 175-179. [WoS]
2017: [1] GOMEZ-ROMERO, Ninnet - BASURTO-ALCANTARA, Francisco J. - VERDUGO-RODRIGUEZ, Antonio - BAUERMANN, Fernando V. - RIDPATH, Julia F. Genetic diversity of bovine viral diarrhea virus in cattle from Mexico. In JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION. ISSN 1040-6387, 2017, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 362-365. [WoS]
2017: [1] HEADLEY, Selwyn Arlington - BALBO, Luciana Carvalho - ALFIERI, Alice Fernandes - ELSEN SAUT, Joao Paulo - BAPTISTA, Anderson Lopes - ALFIERI, Amauri Alcindo. Bovine respiratory disease associated with Histophilus somni and bovine respiratory syncytial virus in a beef cattle feedlot from Southeastern Brazil. In SEMINA-CIENCIAS AGRARIAS. ISSN 1676-546X, 2017, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 283-293. [WoS]
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2017: [1] MOSENA, Ana Cristina S. - WEBER, Matheus N. - CIBULSKI, Samuel P. - SILVEIRA, Simone - SILVA, Mariana S. - MAYER, Fabiana Q. - CANAL, Claudio W. Genomic characterization of a bovine viral diarrhea virus subtype 1i in Brazil. In ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY. ISSN 0304-8608, 2017, vol. 162, no. 4, pp. 1119-1123. [WoS]
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2017: [1] WEBER, Matheus N. - BAUERMANN, Fernando V. - GOMEZ-ROMERO, Ninnet - HERRING, Andy D. - CANAL, Cludio W. - NEILL, John D. - RIDPATH, Julia F. Variation in pestivirus growth in testicle primary cell culture is more dependent on the individual cell donor than cattle breed. In VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. ISSN 0165-7380, 2017, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1-7. [WoS]
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2016: [1] ABE, Yuri - TAMURA, Tomokazu - TORII, Shiho - WAKAMORI, Shiho - NAGAI, Makoto - MITSUHASHI, Kazuya - MINE, Junki - FUJIMOTO, Yuri - NAGASHIMA, Naofumi - YOSHINO, Fumi - SUGITA, Yukihiko - NOMURA, Takushi - OKAMATSU, Masatoshi - KIDA, Hiroshi - SAKODA, Yoshihiro. Genetic and antigenic characterization of bovine viral diarrhea viruses isolated from cattle in Hokkaido, Japan. In JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE. ISSN 0916-7250, 2016, vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 61-70. [WoS]
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2016: [1] CHENG, Zhangrui - ABUDUREYIMU, Ayimuguli - OGUEJIOFOR, Chike F. - ELLIS, Rebekah - BARRY, Amy Teresa - CHEN, Xing - ANSTAETT, Olivia L. - BROWNLIE, Joe - WATHES, D. Claire. BVDV alters uterine prostaglandin production during pregnancy recognition in cows. In REPRODUCTION. ISSN 1470-1626, 2016, vol. 151, no. 6, pp. 605-614. [WoS]
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2005: [1] THABTI, F. - KASSIMI, L.B. - M'ZAH, A. - BEN ROMDANE, S. - RUSSO, P. - BEN SAID, M.S. - HAMMAMI, S. - PEPIN, M. First detection and genetic characterization of bovine viral diarrhoea viruses (BVDV) types 1 and 2 in Tunisia. In REVUE DE MEDECINE VETERINAIRE. ISSN 0035-1555, AUG-SEP 2005, vol. 156, no. 8-9, p. 419-422.
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2005: [1] UTTENTHAL, A. - GRONDAHL, C. - HOYER, M.J. - HOUE, H. - VAN MAANEN, C. - RASMUSSEN, T.B. - LARSEN, L.E. Persistent BVDV infection in mousedeer infects calves - Do we know the reservoirs for BVDV?. PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE. ISSN 0167-5877, NOV 15 2005, vol. 72, no. 1-2, p. 87-91.
2004: [1] BLACKSELL, S.D. - KHOUNSY, S. - BOYLE, D.B. - GREISER-WILKE, I. - GLEESON, L.J. - WESTBURY, H.A. - MACKENZIE, J.S. Phylogenetic analysis of the E2 gene of classical swine fever viruses from Lao PDR. In VIRUS RESEARCH. ISSN 0168-1702, AUG 2004, vol. 104, no. 1, p. 87-92.
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2004: [1] KENKLIES, S. - MAKOSCHEY, B. - LIEBLER-TENORIO, E. - GREISER-WILKE, I. Occurrence of bovine viral diarrhea virus species 2 (BVDV2) in three dairy herds in Lower Saxony: virology and serology. In TIERARZTLICHE UMSCHAU. ISSN 0049-3864, MAR 1 2004, vol. 59, no. 3, p. 135-+.
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2004: [1] WAKELEY, P.R. - TURNER, J.L.E. - IBATA, G. - KING, D.P. - SANDVIK, T. - HOWARD, P. - DREW, T.W. Characterisation of a type 2 bovine viral diarrhoea virus isolated from cattle in the UK. In VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 0378-1135, AUG 19 2004, vol. 102, no. 1-2, p. 19-24.
2004: [1] WAKELEY, P.R. - TURNER, J.L.E. - IBATA, G. - KING, D.P. - SANDVIK, T. - HOWARD, P. - DREW, T.W. Characterisation of a type 2 bovine viral diarrhoea virus isolated from cattle in the UK. VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 0378-1135, AUG 19 2004, vol. 102, no. 1-2, p. 19-24.
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2003: [1] BOTTCHER, J. - MEIER, N. - STENGEL, K.H. - GRUMMER, B. - TRUYEN, U. Studies on the feasibility of serological bulk-milk testing as a method for BVD-surveillance. In BERLINER UND MUNCHENER TIERARZTLICHE WOCHENSCHRIFT. ISSN 0005-9366, MAY-JUN 2003, vol. 116, no. 5-6, p. 244-251.
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2003: [1] FALCONE, E. - CORDIOLI, P. - TARANTINO, M. - MUSCILLO, M. - LA ROSA, G. - TOLLIS, M. Genetic heterogeneity of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in Italy. VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. ISSN 0165-7380, SEP 2003, vol. 27, no. 6, p. 485-494.
2003: [1] FERRARI, M. - SCALVINI, A. - LOSIO, M.N. - CORRADI, A. - SONCINI, M. - BIGNOTTI, E. - MILANESI, E. - AJMONE-MARSAN, P. - BARLATI, S. - BELLOTTI, D. - TONELLI, M. Establishment and characterization of two new pig cell lines for use in virological diagnostic laboratories. In JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS. ISSN 0166-0934, FEB 2003, vol. 107, no. 2, p. 205-212.
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2001: [1] GIANGASPERO, M. - VACIRCA, G. - HARASAWA, R. - BUTTNER, M. - PANUCCIO, A. - MORGHEN, C.D. - ZANETTI, A. - BELLOLI, A. - VERHULST, A. Genotypes of pestivirus RNA detected in live virus vaccines for human use. In JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE. ISSN 0916-7250, JUL 2001, vol. 63, no. 7, p. 723-733.
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