Title: Isolation and characterization of chromosomal mTn10 insertion mutations affecting K88 fimbriae production in Escherichia coli.
Record: HUISMAN, Tako T. - PILIPČINEC, Emil - REMKES, Flemming - MAASKANT, Janneke - DEGRAAF, Frits K. - OUDEGA, Bauke. Isolation and characterization of chromosomal mTn10 insertion mutations affecting K88 fimbriae production in Escherichia coli. In: Microbial Pathogenesis. 1996. ISSN 0882-4010, Roč. 20, č. 2 (1996), s. 101-108.
(1996: 1.750 - IF)
Year: 1996
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:HUISMAN Tako T.0 %
REMKES Flemming0 %
MAASKANT Janneke0 %
DEGRAAF Frits K.0 %
OUDEGA Bauke0 %
Edition: Microbial Pathogenesis
Roč. 20, č. 2 (1996), s. 101-108
Country of issue: United Kingdom
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1996: 1.750 - IF
Language: slovak
2000: [1] VAN DEN BROECK, W. - COX, E. - OUDEGA, B. - GODDEERIS, B.M. The F4 fimbrial antigen of Escherichia coli and its receptors. In VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 0378-1135, FEB 2000, vol. 71, no. 3-4, p. 223-244.
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