Title: Neuroprotection by two polyphenols following excitotoxicity and experimental ischemia.
Record: GOTTLIEB, Miroslav - LEAL-CAMPANARIO, Rocío - CAMPOS-ESPARZA, María Rosario - SÁNCHEZ-GÓMEZ, María Victoria - ABERDI, Elena - ARRANZ, Amaia - DELGADO-GARCÍA, José María - GRUART, Agnès - MATUTE, Carlos. Neuroprotection by two polyphenols following excitotoxicity and experimental ischemia. In: Neurobiology of Disease. 2006. ISSN 1095-953X, Vol. 23, č. 2(2006), s. 374-386.
(2006: 4.128 - IF, 161 - H-index, 2.305 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
Year: 2006
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:GOTTLIEB Miroslav0 %
CAMPOS-ESPARZA María Rosario0 %
SÁNCHEZ-GÓMEZ María Victoria0 %
ABERDI Elena0 %
ARRANZ Amaia0 %
GRUART Agnès0 %
MATUTE Carlos0 %
Edition: Neurobiology of Disease
Vol. 23, č. 2(2006), s. 374-386
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 2006: 4.128 - IF, 161 - H-index, 2.305 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q
Language: english
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