Title: Molecular characterization of the 3 noncoding region of classical swine fever virus vaccine strains.
Record: BJÖRKLUND, Harry V. - STADEJEK, Tomasz - VILČEK, Štefan - BELÁK, Sándor. Molecular characterization of the 3 noncoding region of classical swine fever virus vaccine strains. In: Virus Genes. 1998. ISSN 0920-8569, Vol. 16, č. 3 (1998), s. 307-312.
(1998: 1.375 - IF)
Year: 1998
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:BJÖRKLUND Harry V.0 %
STADEJEK Tomasz0 %
VILČEK Štefan0 %
BELÁK Sándor0 %
Edition: Virus Genes
Vol. 16, č. 3 (1998), s. 307-312
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1998: 1.375 - IF
Language: english
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