Year Category
1997 AFC BULECA, Ján. Intensive fattening of nutrias and utilization of their meat. In: The 2nd International conference on animal-protection, trapping, farming, skin processing and fur marketing in Budapest City from 25th till 27th February, 1997. 1997. s.
1997 AFC AHLERSOVÁ, Eva - PÁSTOROVÁ, Bernardína - KASSAYOVÁ, Monika - AHLERS, Ivan - ŠMAJDA, Beňadik. The changes of pineal function in fractionally irradiated rats. In: Fundamentals for the assessment of risks from environmental radiation, 6-10 October 1997 Brno, Czech Republic : Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop. 1. vyd. Netherlands : Kluwer, 1997. ISBN 978-0-7923-5668-4, s. 407-410.
1997 AFC VENGLOVSKÝ, Ján - PETROVSKÝ, Miloslav - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica - PAČAJOVÁ, Zuzana. Monitoring of the development of resistance in houseflies to anticholine esterase insect control preparations in animal houses in east Slovakia region. In: Higiena okolja se uveljavlja v praksi. : Veterinarska fakulteta v Ljubljani, 1997. 16 - 18. maja na Brdu pri Kranju, s. 147-150.
1997 AFC VILČEK, Štefan - NETTLETON, Peter F. - PATON, David James - BELÁK, Sándor. Molecular characterization of ovine pestiviruses. In: Proceedings of the Third ESVV Symposium on Pestivirus Infections. 1997. 19 -20 September 1997, s. 104-107.
1997 AFC STADEJEK, Tomasz - VILČEK, Štefan - PEJSAK, Zygmunt - BELÁK, Sándor. Preliminary results of genetic and antigenic characterisation of classical swine fever virus isolates from central Europe. In: Proceedings of the Third ESVV Symposium on Pestivirus Infections 1997. 1997. s. 76-81.
1997 AFC LEVKUT, Mikuláš - BARTKO, Pavol - REVAJOVÁ, Viera - LEVKUTOVÁ, Mária - HÚSKA, Miroslav - OWOIGBE, Ganiyat Asabi Modupeola. Subpopulations of lymphocytes in piglets after oral administration of Lactobacillus and E. Coli. In: 9th International Congress in Animal Hygiene 17-21 August 1997, Helsinki, Finland, Proceedings/Volume 1. 1997. s. 254-257.
1997 AFC BARTKO, Pavol - HÚSKA, Miroslav - LEVKUT, Mikuláš - REVAJOVÁ, Viera - LEVKUTOVÁ, Mária - OWOIGBE, Ganiyat Asabi Modupeola. Application of Lactobacillus Reuteri and E. coli and immune response in pigs. In: 9th International Congress in Animal Hygiene 17-21 August 1997, Helsinki, Finland, Proceedings/Volume 1. 1997. s. 230-233.
1997 AFC LEVKUT, Mikuláš - LEVKUTOVÁ, Mária - REVAJOVÁ, Viera - BÍREŠ, Jozef - OWOIGBE, Ganiyat Asabi Modupeola. Immunocempetent cells in blood after natural infection of calves by Papillomavirus. In: 9th International Congress in Animal Hygiene 17-21 August 1997, Helsinki, Finland, Proceedings/Volume 1. 1997. s. 109-112.
1997 AFC VENGLOVSKÝ, Ján - PETROVSKÝ, Miloslav - PAČAJOVÁ, Zuzana - ONDRAŠOVIČ, Miloslav - VARGOVÁ, Milada. Effect of microclimate on productive parameters of fattening pigs in a conventional pig house. In: 9th International Congress in Animal Hygiene 17-21 August 1997, Helsinki, Finland, Proceedings/Volume 1. 1997. s. 266-269.
1997 AFC KOTTFEROVÁ, Jana - KORÉNEKOVÁ, Beáta - SIKLENKA, Pavol - JACKOVÁ, Anna - HURNÁ, Edita. Experimental study of Cd accumulation in poultry organism. In: 9th International Congress in Animal Hygiene 17-21 August 1997, Helsinki, Finland : Proceedings: Vol. 1. 1997. s. 336-339.
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