Názov: A novel pestivirus associated with deaths in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica).
Zápis: ARNAL, María Cruz - FERNÁNDEZ-DE-LUCO, Daniel - RIBA, Landry - MALEY, Maddy - GILRAY, Janice - WILLOUGHBY, Kim - VILČEK, Štefan - NETTLETON, Peter F.. A novel pestivirus associated with deaths in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica). In: Journal of General Virology. 2004. ISSN 0022-1317, Vol. 85, č. 12 (2004), s. 3653-3657.
(2004: 3.327 - IF, 160 - H-index, 1.550 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q)
Rok vydania: 2004
Kategória: ADC - Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch
Autori:ARNAL María Cruz0 %
RIBA Landry0 %
MALEY Maddy0 %
GILRAY Janice0 %
VILČEK Štefan0 %
Vydanie: Journal of General Virology
Vol. 85, č. 12 (2004), s. 3653-3657
Krajina vydania: Slovensko
Oblasť výskumu: neuvedená
Scientometria: 2004: 3.327 - IF, 160 - H-index, 1.550 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q1 - JCR Best Q
Jazyk: anglický
2020: [1] GIANGASPERO, Massimo - STEINBACH, Falko - STRONG, Rebecca - DECARO, Nicola - BUONAVOGLIA, Canio - DOMENIS, Lorenzo - GARGANO, Pietro - BAILLY, Xavier - APICELLA, Claudio - TURNO, Pasquale. Characterization of internal ribosome entry sites according to secondary structure analysis to classify border disease virus strains. In JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS. ISSN 0166-0934, 2020, vol. 275, no., pp. [WoS]
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2019: [1] BRAUN, Ueli - HILBE, Monika - PETERHANS, Ernst - SCHWEIZER, Matthias. Border disease in cattle. In VETERINARY JOURNAL. ISSN 1090-0233, 2019, vol. 246, no., pp. 12-20. [WoS]
2019: [1] COLOM-CADENA, Andreu - MARCO, Ignasi - FERNANDEZ AGUILAR, Xavier - VELARDE, Roser - ESPUNYES, Johan - ROSELL, Rosa - LAVIN, Santiago - CABEZON, Oscar. Experimental infection with high- and low-virulence strains of border disease virus (BDV) in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica) sheds light on the epidemiological diversity of the disease. In TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES. ISSN 1865-1674, 2019, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 1619-1630. [WoS]
2019: [1] KALAIYARASU, Semmannan - MISHRA, Niranjan - RAJUKUMAR, Katherukamem - BEHERA, Sthitha Pragnya - JHADE, Sandeep Kumar - SINGH, Vijendra Pal. Development and evaluation of real-time RT-PCR using ear hair for specific detection of sheep persistently infected with border disease virus (BDV). In JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS. ISSN 0166-0934, 2019, vol. 269, no., pp. 55-63. [WoS]
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2017: [1] BLOME, Sandra - BEER, Martin - WERNIKE, Kerstin. New Leaves in the Growing Tree of Pestiviruses. In IN LOEFFLER'S FOOTSTEPS VIRAL GENOMICS IN THE ERA OF HIGH-THROUGHPUT SEQUENCING. ISSN 0065-3527, 2017, vol. 99, no., pp. 139-160. [WoS]
2017: [1] CARUSO, Claudio - PELETTO, Simone - CERUTTI, Francesco - MODESTO, Paola - ROBETTO, Serena - DOMENIS, Lorenzo - MASOERO, Loretta - ACUTIS, Pier Luigi. Evidence of circulation of the novel border disease virus genotype 8 in chamois. In ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY. ISSN 0304-8608, 2017, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 511-515. [WoS]
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2016: [1] COLOM-CADENA, A. - CABEZON, O. - ROSELL, R. - FERNANDEZ-AGUILAR, X. - BLANCH-LAZARO, B. - TETAS, E. - LAVIN, S. - MARCO, I. The European hare (Lepus europaeus) as a potential wild reservoir for ruminant pestiviruses. In PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE. ISSN 0167-5877, 2016, vol. 131, no., pp. 60-63. [WoS]
2016: [1] LUZZAGO, Camilla - EBRANATI, Erika - CABEZON, Oscar - FERNANDEZ-SIRERA, Laura - LAVIN, Santiago - ROSELL, Rosa - VEO, Carla - ROSSI, Luca - CAVALLERO, Serena - LANFRANCHIL, Paolo - MARCO, Ignasi - ZEHENDER, Gianguglielmo. Spatial and Temporal Phylogeny of Border Disease Virus in Pyrenean Chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica). In PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, 2016, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. [WoS]
2016: [1] PELETTO, Simone - CARUSO, Claudio - CERUTTI, Francesco - MODESTO, Paola - ZOPPI, Simona - DONDO, Alessandro - ACUTIS, Pier Luigi - MASOERO, Loretta. A new genotype of border disease virus with implications for molecular diagnostics. In ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY. ISSN 0304-8608, 2016, vol. 161, no. 2, pp. 471-477. [WoS]
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2015: [1] BEHERA, Sthita Pragnya - MISHRA, Niranjan - NEMA, Ram Kumar - PANDEY, Pooja Dubey - KALAIYARASU, Semmannan - RAJUKUMAR, Katherukamem - PRAKASH, Anil. Expression of bovine viral diarrhea virus envelope glycoprotein E2 in yeast pichia pastoris and its application to an ELISA for Detection of BVDV neutralizing antibodies in cattle. In Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry. ISSN 15321819, 2015-01-01, 36, 6, pp. 639-654. [WoS]
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2015: [1] GIAMMARIOLI, Monica - ROSSI, Elisabetta - CASCIARI, Cristina - BAZZUCCHI, Moira - CLAUDIA, Torresi - DE MIA, Gian Mario. Genetic characterization of border disease virus (BDV) isolates from small ruminants in Italy. In VIRUS GENES. ISSN 0920-8569, 2015, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 321-324. [WoS]
2015: [1] MARCO, Ignasi - CABEZON, Oscar - VELARDE, Roser - FERNANDEZ-SIRERA, Laura - COLOM-CADENA, Andreu - SERRANO, Emmanuel - ROSELL, Rosa - CASAS-DIAZ, Encarna - LAVIN, Santiago. The two sides of border disease in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica): silent persistence and population collapse. In ANIMAL HEALTH RESEARCH REVIEWS. ISSN 1466-2523, 2015, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 70. [WoS]
2015: [1] SERRANO, Emmanuel - COLOM-CADENA, Andreu - GILOT-FROMONT, Emmanuelle - GAREL, Mathieu - CABEZON, Oscar - VELARDE, Roser - FERNANDEZ-SIRERA, Laura - FERNANDEZ-AGUILAR, Xavier - ROSELL, Rosa - LAVIN, Santiago - MARCO, Ignasi. Border Disease Virus: An Exceptional Driver of Chamois Populations Among Other Threats. In FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. ISSN 1664-302X, 2015, vol. 6, no., pp. [WoS]
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2014: [1] FERNANDEZ-SIRERA, L. - CASAUBON, J. - RYSER-DEGIORGIS, M. P. - VOGT, H. R. - MARCO, I. - PETERHANS, E. - BACHOFEN, C. Specificity of pestivirus antibodies in wild ruminants from Switzerland. In SCHWEIZER ARCHIV FUR TIERHEILKUNDE. ISSN 0036-7281, 2014, vol. 156, no. 7, pp. 349-351. [WoS]
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2012: [1] CAVALLERO, Serena - MARCO, Ignasi - LAVIN, Santiago - D'AMELIO, Stefano - LOPEZ-OLVERA, Jorge R. Polymorphisms at MHC class II DRB1 exon 2 locus in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica). In INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION, 2012, vol.12, no.5, 1020. [WoS]
2012: [1] FERNANDEZ-SIRERA, Laura - CABEZON, Oscar - ALLEPUZ, Alberto - ROSELL, Rosa - RIQUELME, Cristina - SERRANO, Emmanuel - LAVIN, Santiago - MARCO, Ignasi. Two Different Epidemiological Scenarios of Border Disease in the Populations of Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra p. pyrenaica) after the First Disease Outbreaks. In PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, 2012, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. [WoS]
2012: [1] KAUTTO, Arja H. - ALENIUS, Stefan - MOSSING, Torgny - BECHER, Paul - BELAK, Sandor - LARSKA, Magdalena. Pestivirus and alphaherpesvirus infections in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.). In VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, 2012, vol.156, no.1-2, 64. [WoS]
2011: [1] CABEZON, Oscar - VELARDE, Roser - MENTABERRE, Gregorio - FERNANDEZ-SIRERA, Laura - CASAS-DIAZ, Encarna - LOPEZ-OLVERA, Jorge - SERRANO, Emmanuel - ROSELL, Rosa - RIQUELME, Cristina - LAVIN, Santiago - SEGALES, Joaquim - MARCO, Ignasi. Experimental infection with chamois border disease virus causes long-lasting viraemia and disease in Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica). In JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY, 2011, vol.92, no., 2494-2501. [WoS]
2011: [1] FERNANDEZ-SIRERA, L. - MENTABERRE, G. - LOPEZ-OLVERA, J. R. - CUENCA, R. - LAVIN, S. - MARCO, I. Haematology and serum chemistry of Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) naturally infected with a border disease virus. In RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 2011, vol.90, no.3, 463-467. [WoS]
2011: [1] GIAMMARIOLI, Monica - LA ROCCA, Severina Anna - STEINBACH, Falko - CASCIARI, Cristina - DE MIA, Gian Mario. Genetic and antigenic typing of border disease virus (BDV) isolates from Italy reveals the existence of a novel BDV group. In VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY, 2011, vol.147, no.3-4, 231-236. [WoS]
2011: [1] GIANGASPERO, Massimo - HARASAWA, Ryo. Species characterization in the genus Pestivirus according to palindromic nucleotide substitutions in the 5 '-untranslated region. In JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS, 2011, vol.174, no.1-2, 166-172. [WoS]
2011: [1] GIANGASPERO, Massimo. Genetic variation of Border disease virus species strains. In VETERINARIA ITALIANA. ISSN 0505-401X, 2011, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 415-435. [WoS]
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2010: [1] CABEZON, Oscar - ROSELL, Rosa - VELARDE, Roser - MENTABERRE, Gregorio - CASAS-DIAZ, Encarna - LAVIN, Santiago - MARCO, Ignasi. Border disease virus shedding and detection in naturally infected Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica). In JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION, 2010, vol.22, no.5, 744-747. [WoS]
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2007: [1] GIANGASPERO, Massimo - HARASAWA, Ryo. Numerical taxonomy of the genus Pestivirus based on palindromic nucleotide substitutions in the 5 ' untranslated region. In JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS. ISSN 0166-0934, 2007, vol. 146, no. 1-2, pp. 375. [WoS]
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2007: [1] MARCO, I. - ROSELL, R. - CABEZON, O. - BENERIA, M. - MENTABERRE, G. - CASAS, E. - HURTADO, A. - LOPEZ-OLVERA, J. R. - LAVIN, S. Serologic and virologic investigations into pestivirus infection in wild and domestic ruminants in the Pyrenees (NE Spain). In RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE. ISSN 0034-5288, 2009, vol. 87, no. 1, pp. 149. [WoS]
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