Contagious diseases of animals and animal health protection

Study programme: infectious diseases of animals full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaEaPaOsz/AIaAHP df/ProfS/22    Short: AIaAHP df/ProfS
  •  Credits: 10
  •  Completion method: Examination
Form, course-load and method od study:
Method of study: present
Prerequisites a following
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on a topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Learning outcomes
The graduate of the course will gain knowledge about animal diseases, their prevention and control; specific preventive measures carried out in livestock, pet and wild animal breeding; the complex of measures aimed at control (elimination, eradication) of diseases in breeding and on the territory of the state;
the cooperation of all stakeholders in the control of diseases; will learn the basic principles of the approach for common health - One Health, with emphasis on the prevention of the occurrence and spread of diseases
Brief outline of the course
Definition of animal diseases, current epidemiological situation in Slovakia, Europe and the world; Elimination and eradication of animal diseases, international cooperation, recovery plans, national contingency plans; Diseases of domestic and wild ruminants, preventive and control measures; Diseases of pigs and wild boar, preventive and control measures; Equine diseases, preventive and control measures; Poultry and bird diseases, preventive and control measures; Domestic and wild carnivore diseases, preventive and control measures; Fish diseases, preventive and control measures; Bee diseases, preventive and control measures; Common Health-One Health Principle with emphasis on prevention of the occurrence and spread of diseases.
Recommended literature
Švrček, Š., Bajová, V., Beníšek, Z., Bíreš, J., Čížek, M., Korim, P., Levkutová, M. Mojžišová, J., Ondrejka, R., Ondrejková,A., Trávniček, M., Vilček, Š. (2008). Prevention and control of infectious diseases. Rec. Ján Pleva, Lýdia Čisláková. 1st ed. Košice : UVL, 344 p. ISBN 978-80-8077-082-2.
Švrček, Š., Bajová, V., Beníšek, Z., Čížek, M., Lešník,F ., Levkutová, M. Mojžišová, J., Novák, R., Ondrejka, R., Ondrejková, A., Paulík, Š., Sokol, J., Vrtiak, O.J. (2006): Infectious diseases of animals. Part II. Viral and prion diseases of animals. 3rd edition. M&M Publishing House, Prešov, ISBN 80-8077-036-0, 567 p.,
Švrček, Š., Bajová, V., Beníšek, Z., Čížek, M., Kapitančik, B., Levkutová, M. Ondrejka, R., Ondrejková, A., Paulík, Š., Sokol, J., Suli, J., Trávniček, M. (2006): Infectious diseases of animals. Part I. Bacterial and mycotic. 4th corrected and supplemented edition. M M, Prešov ISBN 80 88950-03-1: 487 p.
Schlossberg David (Ed.) (2015): Clinical Infectious Disease, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-107-03891-2, 1470 pp.
Sing Andreas (Ed.): Zoonoses-Infections Affecting Humans and Animals, Springer, ISBN 978-94-017-9456-5, 2015;1143 pp.
Conditions for completion of course
Conditions for completion of course:
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on a topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 0
Date of last modification: 19.04.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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