No. Surname, name, titles Organisation
1.Martinček Miroslav DVM SPLN, spol. s r. o., MEDIALYZ, spol. s r. o., GRAMED, spol. s r. o.
2.Frackowiak Tadeusz Eng. VEREX HOLDING, a. s.
3.Gažovský Dušan Eng. DALTON, Ltd.
4.Hreha Stanislav Eng. PhD East slovak water company, j.s.c., Košice
5.Kubovčík Marek Eng. Syráreň Bel Slovensko, a. s.
6.Stodola Ladislav DVM Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons
7.Venhartová Jana LL.D. Food Chamber of Slovakia
Date of last change in the database: 20. 07. 2023

The Board of trustees of the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, as a public university, is a body which, within the scope defined by the Higher Education Act (Act No. 131/2002 Coll., As amended), supports the bond between the university and society. It promotes the public interest in university activities, especially in connection with the use of its property and funds provided to as the public university by the state. The UVMP Board of trustees was established for the first time in October 2002. The Board of trustees comments annually on the annual quality report.

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