OCA1. Surname awarded to the assessed person
OCA2. Name awarded to the assessed person
OCA3. Degrees awarded to the assessed person
OCA4. Hyperlink to the entry of the person in the Register of university staff
OCA5. Area of assessment study programme / degree of study
OCA6. Category of the research/artistic/other output
OCA7. Year of publication of the research/artistic/other output
OCA8. ID of the record in the Central Registry of Publication Activity (CRPA) or the Central Registry of Artistic Activity (CRAA)
OCA9. Hyperlink to the record in CRPA or CRAA
Characteristics of the output that is not registered in CRPA or CRAAOCA10. Hyperlink to the record in another publicly accessible register, catalogue of research/ artistic/other outputs
OCA11. Characteristics of the output in the format of the CRPA or the CRAA bibliographic record, if the output is not available in a publicly accessible register or catalogue of outputs
OCA12. Type of the output (if the output is not registered in CRPA or CRAA)
OCA13. Hyperlink to the webpage where the output is available (full text, other documentation, etc.)
OCA14. Characteristics of the author's contribution
OCA14. Characteristics of the author's contribution
OCA15. Annotation of the output with contextual information concerning the description of creative process and the content of the research/artistic/other activity, etc.
OCA15. Annotation of the output with contextual information concerning the description of creative process and the content of the research/artistic/other activity, etc.
OCA16. Annotation of the output in English
OCA17. List of maximum 5 most significant citations corresponding to the output

OCA18. Characteristics of the output's impact on socio-economic practice
OCA18. Characteristics of the output's impact on socio-economic practice
OCA19. Characteristics of the output and related activities' impact on the educational process
OCA19. Characteristics of the output and related activities' impact on the educational process
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