No. | Surname, name, titles | Organisation |
1. | Kostecká Zuzana Assoc. prof. DVM PhD (chairman) | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
2. | Beňová Katarína Assoc. prof. DVM PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
3. | Bobriková Zuzana M.Sc. | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
4. | Jančíková Viera LL.D. | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
5. | Korim Peter Assoc. prof. DVM PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
6. | Koščová Jana Assoc. prof. DVM PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
7. | Kundríková Ľudmila M.A. | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
8. | Kurhajec Slavomír Pharm.D. PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
9. | Nagy Oskar Assoc. prof. DVM PhD Dip. ECBHM | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
10. | Novotný Jaroslav Assoc. prof. DVM PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
11. | Pasterňaková Dagmar Eng. | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
12. | Prokeš Marián Assoc. prof. DVM PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
13. | Tomko Martin DVM PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
14. | Vojtek Boris DVM PhD | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (employee) |
15. | Celušňáková Janka Natália | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (student) |
16. | Chlepková Sabina | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (student) |
17. | Drábek Timotej | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (student) |
18. | Dzurňák Daniel | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (student) |
19. | Kostičák Maroš DVM | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (student) |
20. | Pelegrínová Andrea DVM | University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy in Košice (student) | Date of last change in the database: 25. 10. 2023 |
Quality board is an advisory body to the Rector in the field of school development and quality assesment. The role of the Quality board is to evaluate individual areas of the university's activities. Every year as of 30th November, it prepares an annual quality report, which it submits to the UVMP management through the Vice-Rector for School Development and Quality Assessment.