Study field Biology
Habilitation proceedings - Immunology
Persons responsible for quality of habilitation proceedings:

Proceedings for the apointment of professors - Immunology
Persons responsible for quality of proceedings for the apointment of professors:

Habilitation proceedings - Microbiology
Persons responsible for quality of habilitation proceedings:

Proceedings for the apointment of professors - Microbiology
Persons responsible for quality of proceedings for the apointment of professors:

Study field Veterinary Medicine
Habilitation proceedings - Animal hygiene and environment
Persons responsible for quality of habilitation proceedings:

Proceedings for the apointment of professors - Animal hygiene and environment
Persons responsible for quality of proceedings for the apointment of professors:

Habilitation proceedings - Food hygiene
Persons responsible for quality of habilitation proceedings:

Proceedings for the apointment of professors - Food hygiene
Persons responsible for quality of proceedings for the apointment of professors:

Habilitation proceedings - Infectious and parasitic diseases
Persons responsible for quality of habilitation proceedings:

Proceedings for the apointment of professors - Infectious and parasitic diseases
Persons responsible for quality of proceedings for the apointment of professors:

Habilitation proceedings - Veterinary morphology and physiology
Persons responsible for quality of habilitation proceedings:

Proceedings for the apointment of professors - Veterinary morphology and physiology
Persons responsible for quality of proceedings for the apointment of professors:

Habilitation proceedings - Internal diseases of animals
Persons responsible for quality of habilitation proceedings:

Proceedings for the apointment of professors - Internal diseases of animals
Persons responsible for quality of proceedings for the apointment of professors:

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