
Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaAHF/GVM-Phys 1/11    Short: GVM-Phys 1
  •  Credits: 0
  •  Completion method: Credit
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 3
  •   Semester: winter semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 3   -   Per study period: 26 / 39 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
Conditions for credit acquisition:
1. Active attendance of student minimally on 12 practical lessons.
2. Student is obliged to compensate missed practical/seminar with proving his/her knowledge of practiced topics.
3. Student is obliged to present chosen seminar work.
4. Passing credit tests from selected practical topics (minimum 55 %) in the 6th and 13th week, respectively also in alternative dates (1st and 2nd repair test).
Learning outcomes
Student who has completed the first semester of the course is able to describe structure and functions of various organ systems such as: circulatory (including blood, cardiovascular, immune and lymphatic system), respiratory, urinary and gastrointestinal (including monogastrics, ruminants and birds) systems. The student should be able to explain the relationships between the structure and function of different tissues, organs and organ systems of animals. He/she should be able to apply his/her knowledge to explain the adaptation of regulatory mechanisms under different conditions. He/she should be able to describe the regulatory mechanisms, which are necessary to maintain homeostasis of the oragnism. The student will acquire skills in laboratory methods.
Brief outline of the course
1. Introduction to Veterinary Physiology
2. Physiology of Cell
3. Physiology of Blood
4. Basics of Immune System
5.Introduction to Nervous System
6.Physiology of Heart
7. Circulatory System
8. Respiratory System
9. Urinary System
10. Digestion in Monogastric Animals
11. Digestion in Ruminants
12. Pancreas and Liver
13. Intermediary Metabolism
Course syllabus
1. Introduction to Veterinary Physiology
Definition and history of physiology. Levels of organization. Homeostasis and homeorrhesis. Conditions for successful passing of the subject.
2. Physiology of the Cell
Cell growth and differentiation, apoptosis. Functions of cellular organelles. Cell membrane, junctions, receptors, and transports. Membrane potential. Body fluids and compartments.
3. Physiology of the Blood
Composition and functions of the blood. Haemopoiesis. Haemostasis. Regulatory mechanisms.
4. Basics of the Immune System
Innate defences and specific immunity. Regulatory mechanisms. Lymphatic system as a part of immunity.
5. Introduction to the Nervous System
Organization of the nervous system. Neuron, supportive cells. Action potential. General neurophysiology. Synaptic transmission.
6. Physiology of the Heart
The heart pump. Basic properties of myocardium, heart automacy. Heart cycle. Regulation of the heart activity.
7. The Circulatory System
Dynamics and types of blood circulation, blood pressure, blood flow and puls. Regulatory mechanisms. Lymphatic system.
8. The Respiratory System
Mechanism of breathing. Gas exchange in the lungs and gas transport between lungs and tissues. Regulation of breathing. Defence mechanism of the respiratory system.
9. The Urinary System
Physiology of kidneys. Glomerular filtration, physiology of tubular system. Regulation of volume, osmolarity and pH. Regulation of thirst and urination.
10. Digestion in Monogastric Animals
Regulation of feed intake. Digestive processes in the oral cavity, stomach, small and large intestine. Regulatory mechanisms of the gut motility. Vomiting. Defecation reflex.
11. Digestion in Ruminants
Rumination cycle. Motor activity of the forestomachs. Chemical and microbial processes in the forestomach. Digestion and absorption in the abomasum and intestines.
12. The Pancreas and Liver
Exocrine function of pancreas. Functions of the liver. Hepatic-biliary secretion. Entero-hepatic circulation of the bile acids. Functions of the gallbladder. Regulatory mechanisms.
13. Intermediary Metabolism
Metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and vitamins. Energy metabolism. Absorptive and post absorptive state. Regulatory mechanisms.
1. Introduction
Introductory notes. Management of lectures and practical activities. Study literature. Seminar thesis. Conditions for credit acquisition. Working safety. Restraint and handling of animals.
2. Physiology of the Blood
Blood collection and handling. Blood serum and plasma. Preparation of blood smears. Detection of occult blood in body secretions.
3. Physiology of Erythrocytes
Haematocrit. Red blood count. Haemoglobin content in the blood. Basic indexes of erythrocytes. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Erythrocyte osmotic resistance and haemolysis.
4. Physiology of Leucocytes
Staining of blood smear. Leucocyte count in mammals. Eosinophil count and Thorn's test. Leucogram of mammals. Index of nuclei shift. Demonstration of phagocytic activity of neutrophils.
5. Haemostasis and Blood Groups
Platelet blood count in mammals. Estimation of bleeding and blood clotting time. Estimation of partial thromboplastin time. Microscopy of fibrin fibre. Estimation of blood groups.
6. Regulation of Heart Activities
Conduction system of the heart, Stanius's ligatures. Influence of ions, temperature, adrenalin and n. vagus irritation on the heart activity. Extrasystole.
7. Electrophysiology of the Heart
Electrocardiography (ECG) in animals and human. Demonstration of ECG on a dog. Evaluation of electrocardiograms.
8. External Signs of Heart Activity
Auscultation of the heart – heart sounds. Determination of blood pressure and arterial pulse. Plethysmography.
9. The Respiratory System
Observation of breathing in animals. Auscultation of the lungs. Pneumography.
10. Respiration and Metabolism
Pulmonary volumes and capacities, spirometry. Basal and productive energy metabolic functions in animal and human body. Calorimetry. Basal and standard metabolic rate.
11. The Urinary System
Urine sampling. Organoleptic, physical and chemical estimation of the urine. Microscopic examination of the urine sediment. Glomerular filtration rate. Clearance of the urinary tract.
12. Physiology of Birds I
Functional specialities of digestive system of birds. Digestion of amylase in poultry. Blood sampling in poultry. Blood cell counts in poultry.
13. The Digestive System
Examination of the saliva and salivation.
Recommended literature
1. Ondrašovičová, S., Vlčková, R., Andrejčáková, Z., Koppel, J., Faix, Š.: Veterinary Physiology I. Editorial centre UVMP Košice, 2017.
2. R. Vlčková, S. Ondrašovičová, Z. Andrejčáková, D. Sopková, Š. Faix: Practical exercises and seminars in Physiology. Editorial centre UVMP Kosice, 2015.
3. O.V. Sjaastad, K. Hove, O. Sand: Physiology of Domestic Animals. Scandinavian Veterinary Press 2003.
4. J.G. Cunningham, B.G. Klein: Textbook of Veterinary Physiology. 4th Ed. Saunders Elsevier 2007.
Conditions for completion of course
Continuous assessment:
1. Credit test (Restraint, Physiology of Blood, Physiology of Ec, Lc, Haemostasis and Blood Groups)
2. Credit test (Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Urinary System, Physiology of Birds I)
Seminar work
Conditions for completion of course:
Conditions for credit acquisition:
1. Active attendance of student minimally on 12 practical lessons.
2. Student is obliged to compensate missed practical/seminar with proving his/her knowledge of practiced topics.
3. Student is obliged to present chosen seminar work.
4. Passing credit tests from selected practical topics (minimum 55 %) in the 6th and 13th week, respectively also in alternative dates (1st and 2nd repair test).
Final assessment:
Obtaining credit based on meeting the conditions for granting a credit.
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 275
Date of last modification: 25.11.2022
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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