General surgery and anesthesiology

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-MZ/GVM-GeSAn 1/11    Short: GVM-GeSAn 1
  •  Credits: 0
  •  Completion method: Credit
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: winter semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 2   -   Per study period: 26 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
Course syllabus
Winter semester.
Lectures (2 hrs)
1/ Introduction to veterinary surgery.
Animal restrain.
Antisepsis asepsis (desinfection, sterilization)
- Fundamentals of surgical facilities and equipment
- Preparation of surgical hall, instruments, operating team
2/ Examination of surgical patient before surgical procedure. Injections, i.v. cannulation
and infusion.
3/ Introduction to anaesteziology – basic conceptions.
Local anesethics and technics (superficial, infiltration, regional, vegetal blocades).
Local anaesthesia in dogs and cats – superficial, infiltration, regional.
4/ Local anaesthesia in horses, cattle, small ruminants and swine – regional
peripheral /central, superficial - intraarticular.
5/ Preanesthetic medicaments and anesthetics used in small animals.
6/ General injection anaesthesia and prepatations. Injection anesthetics – their classification
and properties.
General injection anaesthesia recommended combinations – horses, cattle, sheep, swine.
7/ General injection anaesthesia.
Recommended combinations for small mammals, birds, reptiles, ZOO animals, fishes,
Criterias for general anaesthesia in pediatric and geriatric pacients.
8/ Inhalation anaesthesia:
General principles
- Inhalation machines
- Types of inhalation machines
Inhalation anesthetics
9/ Characteristics of anaesthesia in the animals with diseased respiratory,
kardiovascular, renal and hepatal systems.
10/Anaesthetic toxicity, oxygen toxicity and drug interaction. Forced lung ventilation.
Ventilation of patient during anaesthesia and devices for assisted breathing.
11/ Monitoring of patients during anaesthesia. Acid-base equilibrium and blood gasses
during general anaesthesia.
12/ Solving critical stages of respiratory and cardiovascular
systems during general anaesthesia. Euthanasia.
13/ Fluid, electrolyt and acid-base therapy in surgical patients. Monitoring
of surgical patient. Nutritional support in inpatients.
Lessons: (2 hours)
1/ Farm animal restrain (horse, cattle, swine, sheep). Basics of safety.
2/ Antisepsis, asepsis
- instrument and material sterilization,
- preparation of surgical field
- preparation of operating field
Small animal restraint.
3/ Injections and infusions (intramuscular, intravenous, intraartikulr, intraperitoneal,
intrapleural, subconjunctival, epidural) biopsy
4/ Local anaesthesia superficial, infiltration, regional in small animalls
(Bier bloc, intraarticular, plexus brachialis, intercostal, intrapleural, circular blok,
maxilar, mandibular, auriculopalpebral, epidural)
5/ Head and limb regional anaesthesia in horses (infraorbital, frontal, auriculopalpebral,
mental, mandibular, epidural, diagnostic regional aanesthesia), intraarticular.
6/ Regional head and limb anaesthesia in cattle and small ruminants –
( cornual branch. of zygomatic n., epidural, paravertebral, L – block, regional limb
anaesthesia - coronet, fetlock level) Intraarticular anaesthesia in large animals (cofin,
podotrochlear, pastern, fetlock, digital flexor tendon sheath, radiocarpal intercarpal, cunea
bursa, tarsometatarsal, intertarsal, tibiotarsal).
7-9/ Injection general anaesthesia in dogs and cats (common combinations of i.m. and i.v.
anaesthesiai) Sedation, shortly acting anaesthetics, guidance and patient monitoring,
solving of possible complications, recovery – clinic intership.
10-13/ Inhalation anaesthesia in small animals, patient monitoring, evaluation, solving of possible complications, recovery – clinic intership.
Recommended literature
Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia ]
John C. Thurmon, William J. Tranquilli, G. John Benson
Handbook of Veterinary Anaesthesia
William W. Muir et al. 2007
Conditions for completion of course
Continuous assessment:
On the practice lessons.
Final assessment:
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 253
Date of last modification: 08.04.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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