Extramural practice

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: RRZaDS/GVM-EP 1/16    Short: GVM-EP 1
  •  Credits: 4
  •  Completion method: Credit
  • Semester:
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Practical
Course-load: Per week:    -   Per study period: 80s (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
Completion of 80 hours under supervision of private veterinary doctors in Slovak Republic or abroad. The experience has to be completed by the end of respective academic year (i.e. no later than by August 31) and a written, signed and stamped confirmation has to be presented at the registration to the next year of study.
Brief outline of the course
The aim of professional experience is to get acquainted with the organisation and practical work of private veterinary doctors. The students are practising in veterinary surgeries and clinics, performing veterinary duties (preventive, prophylactic and therapeutic actions), keeping evidence of the experience and participating in preventive and medical actions under the supervision of veterinary doctors in agreement with the legislative provisions of the respective country.
Conditions for completion of course
Conditions for completion of course:
Completion of 80 hours under supervision of private veterinary doctors in Slovak Republic or abroad. The experience has to be completed by the end of respective academic year (i.e. no later than by August 31) and a written, signed and stamped confirmation has to be presented at the registration to the next year of study.
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 225
Date of last modification: 26.04.2019
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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