Public veterinary medicine

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaŽPVLE/GVM-PubVetMed/16    Short: GVM-PubVetMed
  •  Credits: 5
  •  Completion method: Credit and Examination
  •   Lectures: 1 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: winter semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 1 / 2   -   Per study period: 13 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
 When fulfilling the criteria settled in the study program, students will earn credit for taking part in lessons (100%) and lectures (50%). Missed lessons have to be excused, and the student must replace them. During the semester, students must prepare a power point presentation related to the chosen topic of legislation in the veterinary field.
Learning outcomes
The acquisition of knowledge about the mechanisms of both state and public administration, the primary function of legislation, and the creation of legal rules in the EU is the result of education.The emphasis is on veterinary care, animal protection, veterinary controls, and food hygiene.
Brief outline of the course
Legal consciousness; how the law is made; specific legal rules in veterinary care, animal protection, and food hygiene
Course syllabus
1. Introduction to the subject
2. The Europe Union and its Institutions
3. Law and Legislation of the Europe Union
4. Duties on stages of veterinary care, animal protection and food control
5. Specialized veterinary activities
6. Veterinary requirements
7. Veterinary supervision and inspection in veterinary trade
8. Certification of animals, hatching eggs and animal products
9. Identification and registration of animals
10. Animal protection
11. Cruelty to animals
12. Emergency measures in cases of certain disease outbreaks
13. Contraventions of law in veterinary field
1. Public veterinary medicine and system of law
- material and procedural law
- administrative law
- offences
- criminal law
2. Competences of veterinary bodies
- veterinary care body
- food control body
- animal protection body
3. National legislation and legislation of the Europe Union on Veterinary Care
- harmonisation of veterinary legislation, creating and enacting of directives, regulations and decisions
- VetLex presentation
4. Veterinary Care Act, Food legislation
5. Duties and warranties of state and private veterinary surgeons and veterinary inspectors
6. Veterinary requirements
- on control of animal disease
- notification of animal disease
- animal moving and moving of embryos and hatching eggs
7. Veterinary supervision and inspection in trading with animal products in member states
- veterinary control in importation and transportation of animals and animal products coming from the third countries
- emergency measures in trading and in introducing of animal products on markets
8. Certification of animals, hatching eggs and animal products
- certificates of veterinary requirements (filling in)
9. Identification and registration of cattle, sheep, goats, horses and companion animals
- determination of animal identity
- animal quarantine
- study control test
10. Protection of animals; Animal welfare
- Protection of animals during the time of slaughtering and killing
- Protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes
- Protection of animals at the time of transportation
- The European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals
11. Cruelty to animals – legal cases
12. General measures for the control of certain animal diseases (Avian influenza, TSE, Salmonellosis)
- Monitoring of zoonoses
13. Contraventions of law in veterinary field
- of natural person
- of legal entity
Recommended literature
Takáčová, Vargová, Bodnárová: Public Veterinary Medicine, 2014, ESAP Košice, ISBN 978-80-8077-423-3; Regulations and Directives of the EU
Conditions for completion of course
Continuous assessment:
Through the credit test and the presentation of national legislation in countries from which the students are coming
Conditions for completion of course:
 When fulfilling the criteria settled in the study program, students will earn credit for taking part in lessons (100%) and lectures (50%). Missed lessons have to be excused, and the student must replace them. During the semester, students must prepare a power point presentation related to the chosen topic of legislation in the veterinary field.
Final assessment:
Credit & Oral exam
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 241
Date of last modification: 22.11.2022
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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