Nutrition and feeding of animals

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaVDCHZv/BSc-NutFeed 2/16    Short: BSc-NutFeed 2
  •  Credits: 5
  •  Completion method: Credit and Examination
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: winter semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 2   -   Per study period: 26 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
In order to pass the semester of the course, the student must have active participation in practicals. The conditions for compensation of practicals are determined by the guarantor of the subject or the head of practicals in accordance with the study regulations. A student may miss three practicals per semester from the subject, while the student is not obliged to document his/her absence. If the student misses only one practical, he/she does not have to replace it. If the student misses two or three practicals, he/she is obliged to make up all the missing practicals, including the first, usually in the first three weeks after the end of the semester. Regarding lectures, participation in lectures is voluntary, not mandatory during the semester. The other prerequisite for passing the semester is the elaboration of the reports from Formulation of daily rations prepared during the semester. The credit is awarded also on the basis of successfully completed credit test in the last third of semester (more than 50% is needed). Final Exam consists of Writing Test at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry.
Learning outcomes
The student acquires knowledge in the field of nutrition and feeding of farm and companion animals. After completing the semester, the student must master the principles of phase nutrition of animals and perceive the differences in nutrition and feeding of individual types of polygastric and monogastric animals.
Another learning outcomes in education will be information about principles in formulation and evaluation of rations for animals.
After completing the semester, the student will be able to use Computer program for calculation of rations for animals.
The learning outcomes are verified by the reports preparation from Ration formulation; by one credit test during the semester and by final exam.
Brief outline of the course
Nutrition and feeding of Ruminnats.
Nutrition and feeding of monogastric animals.
Phase nutrition of animals in terms of nutritional saturation, growth and development, quantitative and qualitative level of production, stage of reproduction and technological influence feeding.
Limiting factors for the composition of feed rations of farm and companion animals.
Feeding standards and nutrient requirements of different categories of livestock and computation pf rations.
Course syllabus
1. Nutrition and feeding of Cattle. Nutrient Requirements of Cattle; The various systems of feeding cattle; Factors affecting feed intake; Feeds and feed additives for cattle.
2. Fermentation in prestomachs, utilization of carbohydrates, protein, fats in relation to the synthesis of protein and fat in milk.
3. Nutrition of the Dairy cows. Feeding and Nutritional Management of Dairy Cows. Phase nutrition of dairy cows, feeding of dairy cows in respective phases of milk production, Dry cow nutrition.
4. Calf Nutrition; The calf’s digestive system; Feeding Colostrum; Keys to Colostrum Feeding, Calf Nutrient Requirements, Liquid Feeds – Milk nutrition, How to wean calves.
5. Heifer feeding and nutrition; Nutrition of breeding bulls; Beef cattle nutrition of the beef cattle; Use of Different Non Protein Nitrogen Sources in Cattle.
6. Nutrition and Feeding of Sheep. Ewes Requirements through the Production Cycle. Feeding Mature Breeding Rams. Feeding lambs.
7. Nutrition of Horses, Digestive physiology; Feeds for horses; Factors affecting nutrient requirements; Feeding Management - Feeding the Mature, Idle Horse: Maintenance
8. Nutrition of Horses; Nutritional Management of the Broodmare; Feeding Management of the Stallion; Feeding Management of the Growing Horse; Feeding Management of the Performance or Working Horse.
9. Swine Nutrition; Morphological and enzymatic specifics of the pig digestive system; Feeding Systems for Pigs; Phase feeding; Methods of Supplying Nutrients to Swine; The limiting amino acids present in the feed source for pigs; Feeding of Sows, Boars, Piglets, Growing pigs.
10. Poultry nutrition. Poultry Nutrient Requirements; Factors Affecting The Nutrient Requirements Of Poultry; Feed intake; Feed ingredients for poultry; Feed additives for poultry. Nutrition of Broilers, Egg Laying Hens, Turkeys and water poultry.
11. Dog Nutrition. Goal of the feeding and nutrition; Nutritional Management of the Bitch; Nutrition and feeding of the puppies; Weaning; Nutrition and feeding of the dogs in the young and moderate age; Nutrition and feeding of the working dogs.
12. Cat Nutrition. Nutrient needs; Specifics of cat nutrition; Feeding of Pregnant and lactating cats, Kittens.
13. Nutrition and feeding of ostriches. Nutrition of Rabbits - Nutrient Requirements of Rabbits; Requirement of Diets at Gestation/Lactation; Feedstuffs for rabbits.
1. Principles of formulation of daily rations for farm animals, requirements, use of different feedstuffs; nutritional content, principles of combination.
2. Formulation and evaluation of daily ration for ruminants – model of calculation – Pearson square method.
3. Formulation and evaluation of daily ration for farm animals – model of calculation – Computer System for the Formulation of Food Rations.
4. Formulation and evaluation of daily rations for lactating cows. Nutrient requirements for maintenance and milk production. PDI systems, protein digestible in the small intestine.
5. Formulation and evaluation of daily ration for dry cows, heifers and beef cattle.
6. Formulation and evaluation of daily rations for ewes in different stage of reproductive cycle.
7. Evaluating particle size of forages and TMRs using the Penn State Forage Particle Separator.
8. Credit test - Nutrition and feeding of Ruminants. Finalizing ruminant ration formulation protocols/reports.
9. Formulation and evaluation of daily rations for working horses; Energy requirements; Addition of energy to work.
10. Formulation and evaluation of daily rations for brood mares in respective phases of reproduction cycle.
11. Formulation and evaluation of complete mixtures for different kinds and categories of swine.
12. Formulation and evaluation of complete mixtures for different kinds and categories of poultry.
13. Principles of pet animal nutrition. Calculations for Homemade Dog Food.
Recommended literature
McDonald, P. et al. Animal Nutrition (2011). Seventh edition. Harlow, England: Pearson, p.714.
Hand, M.S., Thatcher, C.D., Remillard, R.L., Roudebush, P. (2010) Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. 4th Edition.
Pond W.G., Church D.C., Pond K.R., Schoknecht P.A. (2004). Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding; 5th Edition
Ensminger, M.E., Olentine, J.E., Heineman, W.W. (1990). Feeds and Nutrition
Frape, D. (2010). Equine nutrition and feeding. Publisher:Wiley-Blackwell
Studying materials from lectures and practicals (Moodle)
Conditions for completion of course
Continuous assessment:
credit test; reports – Ration formulations (lactating cow; dry cow, heifer or beef cattle; ewe; working horse; pregnant or lactating mare; swine and poultry)
Conditions for completion of course:
In order to pass the semester of the course, the student must have active participation in practicals. The conditions for compensation of practicals are determined by the guarantor of the subject or the head of practicals in accordance with the study regulations. A student may miss three practicals per semester from the subject, while the student is not obliged to document his/her absence. If the student misses only one practical, he/she does not have to replace it. If the student misses two or three practicals, he/she is obliged to make up all the missing practicals, including the first, usually in the first three weeks after the end of the semester. Regarding lectures, participation in lectures is voluntary, not mandatory during the semester. The other prerequisite for passing the semester is the elaboration of the reports from Formulation of daily rations prepared during the semester. The credit is awarded also on the basis of successfully completed credit test in the last third of semester (more than 50% is needed). Final Exam consists of Writing Test at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry.
Final assessment:
Final exam – written form Test (in attendance form at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Husbandry or on-line form to Moodle platform)
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 375
Date of last modification: 20.09.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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