Pathological physiology

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaPAaPF/BSc-PaPhy 2/16    Short: BSc-PaPhy 2
  •  Credits: 5
  •  Completion method: Credit and Examination
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: summer semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 2   -   Per study period: 26 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
There are two credit tests ( at least 51% of correct answers are required) and seminary work. The student must attend all classes, one classes can miss without copensation, other must compensate.
Learning outcomes
Students obtain knowledge about etiology, pathogenesis and outcomes of pathological processes in species. He understands an importance and role of regulatory mechanisms activating in disease. The knowledge is basis for dg procedures, prevention and therapy either by removal of etiological factors or affecting pathogenesis.He understands principles of processes that are common for many pathological processes (e.g., fever, inflammation, oedema, ...) and etiopathogenesis of system disorders (e.g., pathophysiology of haematopoiesis, circulatory system, endocrine gland system, digestive system, etc.). Student can evaluate and interprete blood test results and interprete them in realtion to the etiopathogenesis, history of patient and other test results (case reports).
Brief outline of the course
- Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D disturbances in relation to osteopathies and tetany.
- Forestomach function disturbances.
- Cardiac arrhythmias.
- Muscle diseases.
- GIT dysfunctions II.
- GIT dysfunctions III.
- Liver dysfunction I.
- LIver dysfunction II.
- Hormonal hypo/hypersecretion I
- Hormonal hypo/hypersecretion II.
- Kidney dysfunction.
- Nervous system dysfunction I.
- Nervous system dysfunction II.
Course syllabus
Syllabus of the lectures
1.) Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D distutrbances, PTH and calcitonin hypo/hypersecretion.
2.) Forestomach function disturbances.
3.) Cardiac arrhythmias.
4.) Muscle diseases.
5.) GIT dysfunctions II.
6) GIT dysfunctions III.
7.) Liver dysfunction I.
8.) Liver dysfunction II.
9.) Hormonal hypo/hypersecretion I.
10.) Hormonal hypo/hypersecretion II.
11.) Uropoietic system dysfunction.
12.) Nervous system dysfunctions I.
13.) Nervous system dysfunctions II.
Syllabus of the practicals
1.) Laboratory examinaton in suspected osteopathies.
2.) Laboratory examination of ruminal fluid.
3.) Reading and interpretation of ECG tracings I.
4.) Reading and interpretationg of ECG tracings II.
5.) Credit test I.
6.) Euation and interpretation of biochemical test results in relation to anamnesis, pathogenesis and clinical signs.
7.) Liver dysfunction - seminar.
8.) Laboratory examination in suspected liver dysfunction.
9.) laboratory examination in suspected hypo/hyperthyroidism.
10.) Laboratory examination in suspected circulatory failure.
11.) Credit test II.
12.) Laboratory examination in suspected kidney dysfunction.
13.) Interpretation of biochemical test results in relation to anamnesis and pathonesis.
Recommended literature
Faixová, Z. et al. Practical classes in pathophysiology. Vienala publishing house: University of veterinary medicine in Košice. 2000, 132 p. ISBN 80-88985-31-5.
Faixová, Z. et al. General veterinary pathophysiology. Vienala publishing house: University of veterinary medicine in Košice. 2005, 195 p. ISBN 80-077-018-2.
Faixová, Z. et al. Essentials of veterinary pathophysiology. Vienala publishing house: University of veterinary medicine in Košice. 2007, 212 p. ISBN 978-80-8077-061-7.
Conditions for completion of course
Content prerequisite:
Knowledge in veterinary anatomy, histology, embryology and physiology is required.
Continuous assessment:
Two credit tests - at least 51 % correct answers is required of each one, seminar work preparation
Conditions for completion of course:
There are two credit tests ( at least 51% of correct answers are required) and seminary work. The student must attend all classes, one classes can miss without copensation, other must compensate.
Final assessment:
written exam
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 346
Date of last modification: 29.03.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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