Tropical veterinary medicine

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaEaP/BSc-TrVetMed/16    Short: BSc-TrVetMed
  •  Credits: 2
  •  Completion method: Credit and Examination
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: summer semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 2   -   Per study period: 26 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
Attendance at lectures 70%, attendance at exercises and seminars 100% (in case of illness - documented by a doctor's certificate, it is possible to excuse non-attendance at one exercise). Preparation of a seminar work on selected tropical parasitoses and diseases. Presentation of the seminar work in visual form. The evaluation of the seminar paper must be on the scale A-E. Examination - written test (maximum score 100 points): A - 100-91 points; B - 90-81 points; C - 80-71 points; D - 70-61 points; E - 60-51 points. The minimum pass mark for the course is 51%.
Learning outcomes
By completing the course, the student will gain basic knowledge in the fields of tropical epizootiology, epidemiology and parasitology. With a focus on the most important infectious and parasitic diseases of animals and humans in subtropical and tropical climates. With special reference to zoonoses and emergent diseases. The student will acquire up-to-date knowledge of the etiology of tropical diseases as well as the specifics of the circulation of infectious agents and parasites. The student will also become familiar with the diagnostic procedures, coping and prevention of tropical infectious and parasitic diseases.
Brief outline of the course
The aim of course is to gain basic theoretical findings of zoonotic infection and parasitic diseases, their distribution and parasite - host relationships of the most important infectious diseases and parasites of farm animals and selected species of wild animals in tropics and subtropics. The aim of the course is to provide basic theoretical knowledge about general regularities of epizootology, infectious and parasitic diseases in tropical and subtropical conditions. Tropical Veterinary Medicine is focused on significant diseases from view of geographical spread, etiology, epizootology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, pathological changes, prevention and therapy, respectively. Special attention is dedicated to selected zoonosis and tissue parasites, which are most often found in tropical and subtropical conditions.
Course syllabus
1. Importance of infectious and parasitic diseases of animals in tropic and subtropical (TS) conditions;
2. Natural and geographical conditions affecting the creation and spread of infectious and parasitic diseases of animals;
3. Animal breeding in TS conditions, climate, nutrition and physiological specialness of animals;
4. Analysis of epizootiological situation with regard to the incidence of infectious and parasitic diseases of animals and human;
5. The most important infectious and parasitic diseases of ruminants (cattle) in TS (incidence, diffusion, aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control);
6. The most important infectious and parasitic diseases of small ruminants (sheep, goats) in TS (incidence, diffusion, aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control);
7. The most important infectious and parasitic diseases of horses in TS (incidence, diffusion, aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control);
8. The most important infectious and parasitic diseases of pigs in TS (incidence, diffusion, aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control);
9. The most important infectious and parasitic diseases of carnivores (dogs, cats) in TS (incidence, diffusion, aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control);
10. The most important infectious and parasitic diseases of birds and poultry in TS (incidence, diffusion, aetiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and control);
11. Relationship between infectious diseases of animals and humans; surveillance of zoonoses;
12. International cooperation, organisation, coordination of the prevention and control of infectious diseases;
13. Filariosis (Brugia malay, Onchocerca volvulus, Mansonella ozzardi, M. perstans, Wuchereria bancrofti, Loa loa) and other zoonoses in TS; vector born diseases (ticks, mites, flies, mosquitoes, fleas);
1. Basic and special parasitic investigatory methods in TS;
2. Principle of processing samples at the detection of species composition of parasites in TS; quantitative investigation methods and process of interpretation OPG, EPG and LPG in TS;
3. Methods of diagnostics (virological, serological, mycological) used in the diagnostics of infectious diseases;
4. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of brucelloses and anthrax;
5. Diagnosis of trypanosomoses and leishmaniosis in TS;
6. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of spirochetals and rickettsioses;
7. Diagnosis of blood parasites, mammal and bird malaria in TS;
8. Differential diagnostics of rabies, bacterial and viral encephalitis;
9. Diagnosis of filariosis I. and filariosis II. in TS;
10. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of Influenza viruses;
11. Diagnosis of tropical tick and mite species;
12. Differential diagnostics of infectious stomatitis;
13. Diagnosis of tropical louses, fleas and myiasitic flies;
1.Importance of infectious diseases of animals in tropical and subtropical environments,
2. Natural and geographical conditions influencing the emergence and spread of infectious animal diseases;
3. Management of domestic and farm animals in tropical and subtropical conditions, climatic conditions, nutrition and physiological peculiarities of animals;
4. Analysis of the epidemiological situation according to the occurrence of infectious animal diseases;
5. Diseases common to several animal species occurring in tropical and subtropical conditions (occurrence, distribution, aetiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis)
6. The most important infectious diseases of cattle, occurring in tropical and subtropical conditions (incidence, distribution, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis);
7. The most important infectious diseases of sheep and goats occurring in tropical and subtropical conditions (occurrence, distribution, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis);
8. The most important infectious diseases of horses occurring in tropical and subtropical
conditions (occurrence, distribution, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis);
9. The most important infectious diseases of pigs, occurring in tropical and subtropical conditions (occurrence, distribution, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis);
10. The most important infectious diseases of poultry occurring in tropical and subtropical (occurrence, distribution, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis);
11. The most important infectious diseases of animals with natural outbreaks;
12. Relationships between infectious diseases of animals and humans; surveillance of zoonoses;
13. International cooperation, organization and coordination in the prevention and control of infectious diseases.
1.Diagnostic methods (virological, serological, bacteriological and mycological) used in the diagnosis of infectious diseases;
2. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of mycobacterioses;
3. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of spirochetoses;
4. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of rickettsioses;
5. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of dermatomycoses;
6. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of rabies;
7. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of anthrax;
8. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of brucellosis;
9. Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of influenza viruses;
10. Differential diagnosis of enteral infections;
11. Differential diagnosis of infectious stomatitis;
12. Differential diagnosis of bacterial encephalitides;
13. Differential diagnosis of viral encephalitides.
Recommended literature
1. Magill A.J., Ryan E.T., Hill D.R., Solomon T.: Hunter´s Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Elsevier Saunders, 2013, 1190 s.
2. Troncy P.M., Itard J., Morel P.C.: Manual of Tropical Veterinary Parasitology, CAB International, 1989, 473 s.
3. Edleston M., Davidson R., Brent A., Wilkinson R.: Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine, Oxford Univ. Press, 2008, 126 s.
4. Peters W., Gilles H.M.: Color Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Mosby-Wolfe, 1995, 248 s.
Conditions for completion of course
Content prerequisite:
Microbiology, pharmacology, Basic epidemiology and infectious diseases
Continuous assessment:
Processing and visual presentation of the seminar paper with the evaluation in the extent of A-E.
Conditions for completion of course:
Attendance at lectures 70%, attendance at exercises and seminars 100% (in case of illness - documented by a doctor's certificate, it is possible to excuse non-attendance at one exercise). Preparation of a seminar work on selected tropical parasitoses and diseases. Presentation of the seminar work in visual form. The evaluation of the seminar paper must be on the scale A-E. Examination - written test (maximum score 100 points): A - 100-91 points; B - 90-81 points; C - 80-71 points; D - 70-61 points; E - 60-51 points. The minimum pass mark for the course is 51%.
Final assessment:
Credit and examination with the evaluation in the extent of A-E..
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 6
Date of last modification: 25.11.2022
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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