General surgery and anesthesiology

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-MZ/BSc-JSP-GeSAn 1/16    Short: BSc-JSP-GeSAn 1
  •  Credits: 0
  •  Completion method: Credit
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: winter semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 2   -   Per study period: 26 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
Learning outcomes
After finishing subject General surgery and aneasthesiology in winter and summer semester the students should have basic knowledge focused on : Surgical facilities design, Assessment and preparation of the surgical patient, Fluid therapy, Basic surgical procedures, wound healing and complications, Bandaging, Fractures, Anaesthesia in dogs, cats, monitoring of anesthesia, anaesthetic complications, anesthesia in diseased animals, basic informations about anaesthesia in horses, ruminants and pets
Brief outline of the course
GENERAL SURGERY AND ANESTHESIOLOGY is focused on: Surgical facilities design, Clearing of surgical facilities,Sterilization and disinfection, asepsis, Preparation of operating site, and surgical team, Assessment and preparation of the surgical patient, Fluid therapy, Basic surgical procedures, Healing of elective surgical wounds ,Wound infection, Haemosthasis and blood component therapy, Bandaging and bandaging materials, Fractures,Therapeutic modalities: chemotherapy and immunotherapy; Pre – anaesthetic assessment, postoperative care: general principles, The anaesthetic machine and vaporizers, breathing system and equipment, automatic ventilation, Patient monitoring and monitoring equipment, Pain management, premedication and sedation, Intravenous anaesthetics, inhalant anaesthetics, muscle relaxants
Anesthesia in:
- Anesthesia in horses, ruminants, swine’s, rats and rabbits
- Anaesthesia for patients with ophthalmic and oral diseases
- Anaesthesia for patient with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases
- Anaesthesia for patients with gastrointestinal and urogenital diseases
- Anaesthesia for patients with endocrine diseases, anaesthasia for cesarean section
- Anaesthesia for patients with neurological diseases
- Anaesthesia for pediatric and geriatric patients
- Anaesthetic complications, accidents and emergencies
Course syllabus
LECTURES winter semester
1. Introduction to the veterinary surgery
 Surgical facilities design
 Clearing of surgical facilities
 Sterilization and disinfection, asepsis
 Preparation of operating site, and surgical team
2. Assessment and preparation of the surgical patient
 Surgical instruments
 Injections, infusions, and transfusions
3. Fluid therapy
 Fluid types and uses
 Perioperative fluid therapy
4. Basic surgical procedures
 Incision
 Excision
 Tissue preparation
 Suture materials
5. Specification of the suture materials
 Suture handling
 Suture selection for different tissue type
 Skin staplers
6. Healing of elective surgical wounds/ part I.
 Phases of wound healing
 Factors affecting surgical wound healing
 Complications of surgical wound healing
 Technique to avoid complications in surgical wound healing
7. Healing of elective surgical wounds/ part II.
 Surgical drains
 Axial patterns flaps, free skin grafting
8. Shock, sepsis and SIRS
 Overview and pathophysiology
 Clinical recognition of shock, sepsis and SIRS
9. Surgical wound infection and antimicrobial prophylaxis
 Wound infection
 Antimicrobial drugs
 Approach to antimicrobial prophylaxis
 Therapeutic use of antimicrobial agents in the surgical patient
10. Haemosthasis and blood component therapy
 Stages of haemosthasis
 Pathophysiology of altered haemosthasis
 Assessment of haemosthasis in the surgical patient
 Blood component therapy
11. Bandaging and bandaging materials
 Covering, fixating, and correcting bandages
 Bandages on different body regions
12. Fractures
 Definition
 Classification
 Symptoms
 Principles of treatment
13. Introduction to the veterinary oncology
 Diagnosis of tumor type
 Diagnostic staging
 Therapeutic modalities: chemotherapy and immunotherapy
 Radiation therapy
 Surgery
1. Sterilization and disinfection of instruments, surgical material. Care of instruments. Scrubbing, gowning and gloving.
Surgical site preparation.
2. Injection i.v, i.m, s.c. (cadaver)
IV Cannulation.
Infusions, infusion pump.
3. Manipulation with instruments. Skin suture (maquete)
4. Hollow organs suture (maquete)
5. Vessels and tendons suture (maquete)
6. Basic surgical suture techniques (cadaver)
7. Wound treatment. Drainages (cadaver)
8. Reconstructive skin surgery (cadaver)
9. Surgical methods of securing enteral nourishment- nasogastric, esophagostomy, pharyngostomy, gastrostomy tubes.
Surgical methods for securing patency of airways- temporary tracheostomy (cadaver)
10. Thorakocentesis, percutaneous drenage, cystocentesis, urinary blader catetrisation. (cadaver)
11. Bandages- covering bandages on different parts of body.
12. Bandages- flexion and fixation
13. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
LECTURES summer semester (1 hours)
1. Pre – anaesthetic assessment, postoperative care: general principles
2. The anaesthetic machine and vaporizers, breathing system and equipment, automatic ventilation
3. Patient monitoring and monitoring equipment
4. Pain management, premedication and sedation
5. Intravenous anaesthetics, inhalant anaesthetics, muscle relaxants
6. Anesthesia in horses, ruminants, swine’s, rats and rabbits
7. Anaesthesia for patients with ophthalmic and oral diseases
8. Anaesthesia for patient with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases
9. Anaesthesia for patients with gastrointestinal and urogenital diseases
10. Anaesthesia for patients with endocrine diseases, anaesthasia for cesarean section
11. Anaesthesia for patients with neurological diseases
12. Anaesthesia for pediatric and geriatric patients
13. Anaesthetic complications, accidents and emergencies
1. Introduction to the anesthesia
 Pre-anesthetic assessment of patient
 Anesthesia equipment
 Intubation (cadaver)
2. Local anesthesia in dogs and cats.
3. Local anesthesia in ruminants.
4. Local anesthesia in horses.
5. – 13. General anesthesia in small animals (clinical internship)
 Pre-anesthetic assessment
 Premedication and sedation
 Intubation
 Infusion therapy
 Intravenous anesthesia
 Inhalation anesthesia
 Pain management
 Emergency and critical care
 Complications during anesthesia
 Postoperative care
Recommended literature
1. BSAVA manual: Canine and Feline Surgical principles; S. Baines, V. Lipscomb, T. Hutchinson; 2012;
2. BSAVA Manual of Canine and feline wound management and reconstruction/second edition: John Williams and Alison Moores, 2012
3. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Emergency and Critical care/second edition: L.G. King, Amanda Boag 2007
4. BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Anaesthesia and Analgesia/second edition: Ch. Seymur, T.Duke - Nowakovski; 2015
Veterinary surgery small animal, K.M.Tobias, S.A.Johnston, Elsevier, 2012, Vol. 1 + 2
Conditions for completion of course
Continuous assessment:
On the practice lessons - week 11 - 13 - test/writing
Final assessment:
2 parts - practical and theoretical part - both have to be passed on the same day
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 195
Date of last modification: 28.11.2022
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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