Food hygiene and technology III. (meat, meat products and their chemical analysis)

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaHTP/BSc-SSE-FTIII.1/17    Short: BSc-SSE-FTIII.1
  •  Credits: 0
  •  Completion method: Credit
  •   Lectures: 1 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: winter semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 1 / 2   -   Per study period: 13 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
Only healthy non-pregnant students may attend the practical lessons. Credit will be granted only if the presence at the lectures and practical lessons complied with the Organisation and Study Schedule Guidelines of the UVMP in Košice.
Learning outcomes
Ability to fulfil the duties of Official Veterinarian at meat production (as set by Regulation (EC) 854/2004).
Brief outline of the course
- Safety at work rules.
- AID tests at meat control in slaughterhouse.
- Laboratory analysis of meat - chemical composition, qualitative deviations and spoilage changes.
- Technology of processing and laboratory analysis of fats of animal origin.
- Sensory evaluation of meat.
- GMP and HACCP in meat processing.
Course syllabus
(1 hr. lesson + 2 hrs. practical lessons pre week)
1 Prednáška Introduction to the subject.
Legislation (EU): Definitions of slaughter animals, official veterinarian, abattoir. Basic construction, layout rules, GMP, SOPP and HACCP.
Praktické cvičenie: Safety rules at work. Role of a veterinarian at meat production supervision. Dressing technology and meat safety.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
2 Prednáška Legislation: Meat - basic legislation.
Praktické cvičenie: AID tests - laboratory analysis.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
3 Prednáška Chemical composition of meat.
Praktické cvičenie: Laboratory analysis of meat.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
4 Prednáška Post-mortem changes in meat.
Praktické cvičenie: Laboratory analysis of qualitative deviations of meat.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
5 Prednáška Laboratory analysis of meat - theory.
Praktické cvičenie: Laboratory analysis of meat - technological properties.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
6 Prednáška Boning of meat.
Praktické cvičenie: Boning of meat - practical demonstration.
(Miesto cvičenia: Bitúnok)
7 Prednáška Processing of fats.
Praktické cvičenie: Laboratory analysis of fats.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
8 Prednáška Sensory evaluation of meat.
Praktické cvičenie: Sensory evaluation of meat - practical demostration.
(Miesto cvičenia: IVVL)
9 Prednáška Classification of meat.
Praktické cvičenie: Sensory evaluation of meat - practical demonstration.
(Miesto cvičenia: IVVL)
10 Prednáška GMP and HACCP.
Praktické cvičenie: GMP and HACCP - practical demostration.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
11 Prednáška GMP and HACCP.
(Miesto cvičenia: Meat Hygiene Dpt. Building)
12 Prednáška Inspection duties. Animal welfare, by-products, hygiene, HACCP inspection.
Praktické cvičenie: GMP and HACCP.
(Miesto cvičenia: Bitúnok)
13 Prednáška Ritual slaughters.
Praktické cvičenie: GMP ad HACCP.
(Miesto cvičenia: Bitúnok)
Recommended literature
- Handouts given at lectures.
- Regulation (EC) 852/2004 - on the hygiene of foodstuffs.
- Regulation (EC) 853/2004 - laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin.
- Regulation (EC) 854/2004 - laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption.
- Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 - on the protection of animals at the time of killing.
- Regulation (EC) 2075/2005 - laying down specific rules on official controls for Trichinella in meat.
- Regulation (EC) 999/2001 - rules for the prevention, control and eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.
- Regulation (EC) 2073/2005 - on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs.
- Regulation 142/2011 - health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption.
- Girard, J.P.: Technology of Meat and Meat Products, Ellis Horwood Ltd.
- Gracey, J.(F)., Collins, D.S.: Meat Hygiene (9e). Bailliére Tindall, London, 1991.
Conditions for completion of course
Content prerequisite:
KaAHF/GVM-Anat II. 1/11 and KaAHF/GVM-Anat II. 2/14 and KaAHF/GVM-Anat I./11 and KaAHF/GVM-HisEmb 2/13 and KaAHF/GVM-Phys 1/11 and KaAHF/GVM-Phys 2/14 and KaBIOaGEN/GVM-Biol/13 and KaBIOaGEN/GVM-Zool/13 and KaEaP/GVM-Epi 1/11 and KaEaP/GVM-Epi 2/11 and KaEaP/GVM-Par 1/11 and KaEaP/GVM-Par 2/11 and KaEaP/GVM-PreVetM/11 and KaEaP/GVM-SSE-InPDis/12 and KaEaP/GVM-Zoon/11 and KaFaT/GVM-Pharm 1/13 and KaFaT/GVM-Pharm 2/13 and KaFaT/GVM-PhTh/11 and KaFaT/GVM-Tox/11 and KaChBChBF/GVM-BiCh 1/11 and KaChBChBF/GVM-BiCh 2/14 and KaChBChBF/GVM-BiPh/11 and KaChBChBF/GVM-BphMthMe/13 and KaChBChBF/GVM-ClBiCh/11 and KaChBChBF/GVM-Ch/13 and KaChBChBF/GVM-PatBiCh/11 and KaMBaI/GVM-Im/11 and KaMBaI/GVM-Mic 1/11 and KaMBaI/GVM-Mic 2/11 and KaPAaPF/GVM-PaA 1/11 and KaPAaPF/GVM-PaA 2/11 and KaPAaPF/GVM-PaA 3/11 and KaPAaPF/GVM-PaPhy 1/11 and KaPAaPF/GVM-PaPhy 2/11 and KaVDCHZv/GVM-AnHus 1/14 and KaVDCHZv/GVM-AnHus 2/14 and KaVDCHZv/GVM-DiPrHA 1/11 and KaVDCHZv/GVM-DiPrHA 2/11 and KaVDCHZv/GVM-NutFeed 1/11 and KaVDCHZv/GVM-NutFeed 2/11 and KaVVP/GVM-LT/13 and KaŽPVLE/GVM-AnHyW/11 and KaŽPVLE/GVM-BaEc/11 and KaŽPVLE/GVM-ProEth/14 and KaŽPVLE/GVM-PubVetMed/14 and KaŽPVLE/GVM-VetE/11 and K-K/GVM-GReOb/11 and K-P/GVM-ClD 1/11 and K-P/GVM-ClD 2/11
Continuous assessment:
No formal interim evaluation during semester. Evaluation of practical skills and discussion is preferred.
Conditions for completion of course:
Only healthy non-pregnant students may attend the practical lessons. Credit will be granted only if the presence at the lectures and practical lessons complied with the Organisation and Study Schedule Guidelines of the UVMP in Košice.
Final assessment:
Open questions test at the end of the whole course (i.e. after the Summer Semester).
Environment of meat processing plant where practical lessons are performed is demanding specific protective clothes and tools.
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 511
Date of last modification: 05.07.2017
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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