Clinical oncology of animals

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-MZ/BSc-COAn/17    Short: BSc-COAn
  •  Credits: 3
  •  Completion method: Credit and Examination
  •   Lectures: 1 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: winter semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 1 / 2   -   Per study period: 13 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
1.participation in the exercises
2. Exam
Learning outcomes
Subject aim: To teach students the etiology and pathogenesis of tumors in small and big animals, master basic and advanced diagnostics - clinical examination, cytology and histology samples for special tests, principles of surgical oncology and chemotherapy
student will have information aboutthe etiology and pathogenesis of tumors in small and big animals, master basic and he will by able of advanced diagnostics - clinical examination, to collect sample for cytology and histology and some special tests, will have information about principles of surgical oncology and chemotherapy.
Brief outline of the course
cancer etiology, clinical manifestation of tumor, sampling for cytological examination and evaluation of cytology, sampling for histological examination and evaluation of coatings, surgical treatment of tumors, chemotherapy
Course syllabus
Syllabus of lectures and practice
Study subject: Clinical oncology in dogs and cats
Range of study subject: 1/2s WS
Guarantor : MVDr. Alexandra Valenčáková, PhD
Lectures: 1 hour
1. Position and role of veterinary oncology in clinical practice in dogs and cats. Epidemiology and incidence of tumors in dogs and cats.
2. Diagnostics of tumors. Cytology and histology in clinical oncology. Role of pathologist in the diagnostics of tumors and cooperation with the surgeon.
3. Markers in oncology. Clinical biochemistry, haematology in oncology.
4. Imaging diagnostics of tumors.
5. Tumors of the cardiovascular system and layers of cavities. Mesothelioma.
6. Pain in oncological patient. Treatment
7. Acute/emergency cancer patient.
8. Endocrine tumors
9. Mammary tumors in dogs and cats.
10. Tumors of the skin and adjacent tissues. Melanomes and mastocytomes. Perianal tumors. Soft tissue sarcoma. Extirpation of skin tumors.
11. Surgical oncology.
12. Paraneoplastic syndromes.
13. Complementary and alternative medicine therapy in oncology.
Practical exercises: 2 hours
1. Investigation of a patient with tumor – staging. How to improve the lives of cancer patients. Philosophy of care for cancer patients. Tumors and metastases.
2. Principles of biopsy. Biopsy and tissue sampling method for cytological and histological examination. Biopsy of the skin and bone. Clinical cytology.
3. Tumors of lymphatic and haematopoetic system. Lymphoma. Biopsy of lymph nodes.
4. Tumors of the respiratory system. Radiograms of the chest cavity – reading of positive cases.
5. Biopsy of the organs of the abdominal cavity and chest cavity. Abdominocenthesis. Thoracocenthesis.
6. Tumors of the oral cavity, stomach and guts. Tumors of the liver, spleen. Haemangiosarcoma.
7. Tumors of the brain and spinal cord. Tumors of the eye, ear and meatus acusticus. Diagnosis and therapy. Enucleation
8. Principles of chemotherapy. Bone marrow transplantation. Prepare chemoterapeutic drugs in air box.
9. Tumors of reproductive organs in dogs and cats. Mastectomy.
10. Nutrition for cancer patient. How to prevent cancer cachexia in cancer patients. Oesophageal probes.
11. Tumors of the bone and bone marrow. Ostectomy and bone transplantation. Amputation of limbs
12. Tumors of the urologic apparatus. Nephrectomy. Cystectomy. Ureterocolonic anasthomosis.
13. Radiation therapy, cryotherapy, thermotherapy and immunotherapy. Photodynamic therapy.
Recommended literature
Recommended reading:
1. Small Animal Clinical Oncology
Withrow, S. J., and Vail, M. 4. edition, 2007
2. Managing the Canine Cancer Patient – A practical guide to compasionate care
Ogilvie, G. K., Moore, A. S. 1. edition, 2006
Conditions for completion of course
Content prerequisite:
Study subject: Clinical oncology in dogs and cats
Guarantors of study subject: MVDr. A. Valenčáková, PhD.
Range of study subject: 1/2s
Doc. MVDr. S. Horňák, PhD., MVDr. L. Hornakova, PhD., MVDr. A. Balická, PhD., MVDr. M. Hluchý, PhD, MVDr. M. Kožár, PhD., MVDr. A. Valenčáková, PhD., MVDr. M. Figurová, PhD., MVDr. M. Kuricová, PhD.,
Continuous assessment:
Conditions for completion of course:
1.participation in the exercises
2. Exam
Final assessment:
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 149
Date of last modification: 08.04.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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