Surgery and orthopaedics of small animals

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-MZ/BSc-SSE-SOSA 1/17    Short: BSc-SSE-SOSA 1
  •  Credits: 1
  •  Completion method: Credit
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: summer semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 2   -   Per study period: 26 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
a. recognized participation in practical exercises b. accepted 2 tests during the term: themes from lectures and practical exercises – 7th, 13th week in each term on lecture 7 th week – Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. Diseas of the auricle and ear canal. GIT 13 th week – Diseases of the respiratory system. Disease of URO-system and eyes. c. for each term met half the prescribed operating procedures in Clinical practice d. graduation and recognition of practical exercises. One missed exercise is tolerated by apology under the Study and Examination Regulations UVLF Košice
Brief outline of the course
Surgery and orthopaedics of small animals is focused on Diseases of the auricle ,Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth in small animals , Diseases of the oesophagus. Principles of surgery in abdominal cavity in dogs and cats., Acute abdomen. Gastric dilatation and torsion., Diseases of the small intestine . Diseases of the colon and rectum. Diseases of the trachea and chest wall and lung. Surgery for the urinary system. Eye diseases. Hernias. Diagnosis of lameness. Treatment of fractures: Mandible, thoracic limb. IM (intramedullary) pinning and cerklage. External fixation. Pelvis and pelvic limb. Plate and screws. DCP (dynamic compression plate) method. Osteochondrosis. Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthrosis. Therapy. Fundamentals of arthrotomy. Diseases of the hip joint. Luxations. Arthrosis. CHD (canine hip dysplasia). Diseases of the shoulder joint. Diseases of elbow joint. Rupture of LCC. Luxation of the knee joint. Patellar luxation. Diseases of meniscus. Trauma of the brain and the spinal cord. Peripheral nerve paralysis. Diagnostics and therapy. Diseases of the cervical. thoracic and lumbar spine. Intervertebral disc disease. Cauda equina syndrome. Luxation and fractures of the spine. Medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the spine and spinal cord.
Course syllabus
1st term: Lectures – 2 hours
1. Introduction to small animal surgery and orthopaedics. Diseases of the auricle. Wounds. Othaematoma, frostbite. Diseases of the ear canal. Obturations, foreign bodies, neoplasia. Resection and ablation of the ear canal and bulla tympanica. Diseases of the salivary glands and their ducts. Ranula, cervical cyst. Trauma. Neoplasia.
2. Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth in small animals. Tonque injury. Oronasal fistula and its therapy. Neoplasia in the oral cavity. Introduction to teeth diseases.
3. Diseases of teeth in small animals. Oligodontia. Polyodontia. Tartar. Fractures of the teeth. Pulpitis. Therapy of diseases of the teeth. Extraction of the teeth. Endodontics and orthodontics. Nasal diseases. Sinus trepanation.
4. Diseases of the oesophagus. Principles of surgery in abdominal cavity in dogs and cats. Acute abdomen. Gastric dilatation and torsion.
5. Neoplasia of the gastric wall. Diagnostics. Pyloric diseases. Gastric and pyloric surgery. Diseases of the spleen.Trauma, neoplasia. Surgery of the spleen. Abdominal wall trauma. Hernia ventralis traumatica. Postoperative care for patients with surgery of gastrointestinal system.
6. Diseases of the small intestine. Obturation. Intestine surgery . Diseases of the colon and rectum. Prolaps ani et recti. Reposition and resection. Diseases of the perianal glands. Perianal neoplasia. Surgical therapy.
7. Diseases of the trachea – the collapse, obturation, neoplasia. Tracheostomy. Chest wall trauma and lung trauma. Fractures of the ribs. Pneumothorax. Surgical intervention.
8. Neoplasia of the chest wall and lung. Hernia diaphragmatica. Diagnostics and therapy. Thoracotomy, lobectomy. Thoracentesis. Pericardiocenthesis.
9. Surgery for the urinary system. Nephrotomy. Nephrectomy. Ectopic ureter. Urolithiasis diagnostics. Cystotomy. Urethrotomy in dog. Urethrostomy in tomcat. Prostate surgery.
10. Eye diseases. Diseases of the eyelids. Diseases of the conjunctiva, third eyelid and the lacrimal apparatus.
11. Diseases of the cornea. Keratitis. Response to the corneal irritation. Corneal ulcer. Diagnostics and therapy Diseases of the lens. Glaucoma. Diseases of the iris. General medical therapy of the eye diseases.
12. H. umbilicalis. H. inguinoscrotalis. H. perinealis. H. ventralis. Diagnostics and surgical intervention.
13. Methods of treatment – neoplasia. Classification of tumors. Skin tumors. Bone tumors. Oncological surgery. Amputation.
Practice – 2 hours
1. Laparotomy, Celiotomy in dogs and cats.
2. Diseases of the auricle. Resection and ablation of the ear canal. Surgery for bulla tympanica.
3. Treatment of diseases of the teeth I. Examination of the oral cavity and teeth. Tartar. Extaction of the teeth. Treatment of diseases of the teeth II. Endodontia and ortodontia. Nasal diseases. Trephination.
4. Oesophagotomy. Tonsillectomy. Oesophageal tube.
5. Thoracic surgery. Thoracotomy. Lobectomy. Chest drainage.
6. Abdominocenthesis. Abdominal drainage. Stomach surgery.Gastrotomy. Gastrectomy. Gastropexy. Pyloroplasty. Spleen surgery.
7. Bowel surgery. Enterotomy. Enterectomy. Indication and procedures.
8. Surgery in perianal region. Extirpation of the perianal glands and perianal neoplasia.
9. Surgery for urinary system. Nephrotomy. Nefrectomy. Cystotomy.
10. Urethrotomy. Urethrostomy in dogs. Perineal urethrostomy in tomcat.
11. Examination of the eyes in dogs and cats. Direct and indirect ophtalmoscopy. Diagnostics in ophtalmology.
12. Surgical procedures for the eyelids and the cornea. Enucleation of the bulbus.
2nd term: Lectures – 2 hours
1. Diagnosis of lameness. Treatment of fractures I. – Mandible, thoracic limb. IM (intramedullary) pinning and cerklage. External fixation.
2. Treatment of fractures II. – Pelvis and pelvic limb. Plate and screws. DCP (dynamic compression plate) method.
3. Osteochondrosis. Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthrosis. Therapy. Fundamentals of arthrotomy.
4. Diseases of the hip joint. Luxations. Arthrosis. CHD (canine hip dysplasia). Diagnostics and therapy.
5. Diseases of the shoulder joint. Luxation. Tendinopathy m. biceps brachii. Osteochondrosis.
6. Diseases of elbow joint. CED. Luxations. Diseases of bursa olecrani. Short ulna and radius syndrom. Diseases of the carpal joint. Luxation and ruptur of colateral ligaments. Methods of therapy. Arthrodesia.
7. Diseases of bones. Panosteitis. Calve Pertes, Osteodystrophy. Bone neoplasia. Diagnostics and surgical therapy.
8. Rupture of LCC. Diagnostics and therapy. Extra and intraarticular stabilisation. TPLO and TTA. Rupture of collateral ligaments in the knee joint.
9. Luxation of the knee joint. Patellar luxation. Diseases of meniscus. Osteochondrosis of the lateral femoral condyl. Rupture of the common calcaneal tendon. Luxation of m. flexor superficialis. Diagnostics and methods of therapy. Clinical evaluation of patellar luxation.
10. Trauma of the brain and the spinal cord. Peripheral nerve paralysis. Diagnostics and therapy.
11. Diseases of the cervical. thoracic and lumbar spine. Intervertebral disc disease.
12. Cauda equina syndrome. Luxation and fractures of the spine.
13. Medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the spine and spinal cord.
Practice – 2 hours
1. Diagnosis of lameness in dogs and cats.
2. Oncological surgery. Amputation of limbs and toes.
3. Osteosynthesis I. Intramedullary nailing. Cerclage. External fixation.
4. Osteosynthesis II. Bone plate and screws.
5. Arthrotomy of the shoulder joints.
6. Arthrotomy of the elbow and carpal joints.
7. Arthrotomy of the knee. Patellar luxation – surgical methods of treatment.
8. Treatment of ruptured LCC. Treatment. TTA. TPLO. Extraarticular stabilization of ruptured LCC.
9. Arthrotomy of the hip joint. Methods of therapy for luxation of the hip joint. Resection of the fermoral neck.
10. Endoscopy. Arthroscopy.Arthroscopy of the elbow joint.
11. Physical therapy. Rehabilitation. Rehabilitation after orthopaedic and neurologic surgery.
12. Neurological and roentgenological examination of dogs and cats with spine diseases.
13. Neurosurgical procedures for the spine. Dorsal laminectomy, hemilaminectomy, disc fenestration. Ventral approach for Wobler 's syndrome.
Recommended literature
1. Fossum: Small Animal Surgery 2. Tobias and Johnson :Small Animal Surgery. 3. Veterinary opthalmology Slatter 4. BVA: Manual of canine and feline muskuloskeletal disorders 5. AO principles of fracture management: Brinker et all.
Conditions for completion of course
Continuous assessment:
1. 7 th week – Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. Disease of the auricle and ear canal. GIT 1-6
2. 13 th week – Diseases of the respiratory system. Disease of URO-system and eyes. 7-12
Conditions for completion of course:
a. recognized participation in practical exercises b. accepted 2 tests during the term: themes from lectures and practical exercises – 7th, 13th week in each term on lecture 7 th week – Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. Diseas of the auricle and ear canal. GIT 13 th week – Diseases of the respiratory system. Disease of URO-system and eyes. c. for each term met half the prescribed operating procedures in Clinical practice d. graduation and recognition of practical exercises. One missed exercise is tolerated by apology under the Study and Examination Regulations UVLF Košice
Final assessment:
credit and state exam
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 483
Date of last modification: 28.11.2022
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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