Diseases of pigs

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-O/SE DofPg/18    Short: SE DofPg
  •  Credits: 5
  •  Completion method: State exam - subject of state exam
  • Semester:
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study:
Course-load: Per week:    -   Per study period: (recommended, in hours)
Method of study:
Prerequisites a following
In all parts of the subject Diseases of pigs (internal - non-infectious, infectious and parasitic diseases, special surgery and orthopedics, reproduction and andrology) 100% participation in the exercises and more than 51% success in the test, handover of the patient - protocol.
Learning outcomes
After completing the subject, the student acquires theoretical knowledge and the basics of the student's manual skills will create prerequisites for its successful application in the commercial or experimental practice of pig breeding, namely: Internal diseases of pigs - clinical skills in the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of diseases, consulting activities. Special surgery and orthopedics - theoretical knowledge of anesthesia, sedation and immobilization of pigs, free-living pigs, surgical procedures for their therapy, methods of using special diagnostic and therapeutic devices in the diagnosis and surgical therapy of diseases in pigs, - manual skills in handling diagnostic devices and in the surgical treatment of diseases of piglets, sows, sows and boars. Reproduction and andrology - theoretical knowledge of the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the reproductive system of pigs and of biotechnical, biotechnological methods applied in the controlled reproduction of sows, sows and boars., - manual skill in handling diagnostic equipment, - practical skill in the application of organizational, therapeutic, biotechnical, biotechnological methods and procedures in the controlled reproduction of pigs. The student's theoretical knowledge and basics of manual skills will create prerequisites for his successful application in commercial or experimental practice of pig breeding. Infectious and parasitic diseases of pigs - analysis of the epizootological situation with regard to the occurrence of infectious and parasitic diseases of pigs in the Slovak Republic, Europe and the world; - clinical diagnosis of infectious and parasitic diseases of pigs, including differential diagnosis; - methodological procedures used in the laboratory diagnosis of infectious and parasitic diseases of pigs.
Brief outline of the course
Pre-natal losses in piglets (classifying, causes), Peri-natal losses in piglets (classifying, characteristics), Post-natal losses in piglets (classifying, characteristics), Dietary, physical, and chemical diseases of skin and ears in respective pig categories, Viral skin diseases in respective pig categories – classifying, Bacterial skin diseases and diseases associated with skin lesions in respective pig categories, Mycotic, parasitic, tumour and other skin diseases in respective pig categories, Viral respiratory diseases in respective pig categories, Bacterial and parasitic, diseases of respiratory system in respective pig categories, Diseases of cardio-vascular system – non-infectious, infectious, tumours, Diseases of blood, blood-forming, and lymphatic system in respective pig categories, Non-infectious diseases of mouth cavity, oesophagus, stomach and intestine, hernias, Viral diseases of pig digestive system and diseases manifested on digestive system in respective pig categories, Bacterial diseases of digestive system in respective pig categories, Parasitic and tumour diseases of digestive system in respective pig categories, Diseases of liver, spleen, and pancreas , Diseases of urinary system, Diseases associated with disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, Disorders of micro-element metabolism, Disorders of vitamin metabolism, Vices of pigs, cannibalism, Diseases of locomotor system in respective pig categories, Non-infectious, infectious, and parasitic diseases of nervous system in respective pig categories, Diseases of mammary gland in sows, Mycotoxin poisonings and possibilities for their elimination and alleviation, Diagnosis of fertility disorders in gilts and sows, Diagnosis of reproduction diseases in boars, Disorders of oestrous cycle as a cause of infertility in gilts and sows, Non-infectious causes of infertility in gilts and sows, Intoxications as a cause of infertility in gilts and sows, Bacterial and protozoan infections as a cause of infertility in gilts and sows, Viral infections as a cause of infertility in gilts and sows, Embryonal mortality and peri-natal losses on pig farms, Dystocia in gilts and sows, Puerperal diseases in sows, Syndrome of lactation insufficiency in sows, Factors with impact on sucklings’ mortality, Non-infectious causes of boars’ infertility, Infectious causes of boars’ infertility, Bio-techniques for reproduction management in gilts and sows as a prevention of infertility, Analysis of reproduction management in gilts and sows as a prevention of infertility, Analysis of reproduction management in boars as a prevention of infertility, Anaesthesia and analgesia in swine – indications, methods and approaches, complications, Castration of male piglets and boars, Invasive treatment of boars´ genitals, Ovariectomy in gilts, Herniotomy, Caesarean section in gilts and sows, Correction and amputation of hoof, Embryotransfer in gilts and sows .
Recommended literature
Vnútorné (neinfekčné) choroby ošípaných 1. Kováč, G. a kol.: Choroby ošípoaných. Vydavateľstvo Michala Vaška, Prešov, 2011. ISBN: 978-80-7165-839-9. 980 s. 2. Straw, B. a kol.: Choroby ošípaných. Hajko & Hájková, Bratislava, 2003. 3. Vrzgula a kol.: Vnútorné choroby prežúvavcov a ošípaných. II. diel, Bratislava, 1986. 4. Vrzgula a kol.: Poruchy látkového metabolizmu hospodárskych zvierat a ich prevencia. II. prepracované vydanie, Bratislava, 1990. 5. Kováč a kol.: Preventívna veterinárna medicína. Bratislava, 1986. Špeciálna chirurgia a ortopédia ošípaných 1. ORSÁG, Andrej a kol.: Veterinárna chirurgia. 1. vyd. Príroda, Bratislava, 1985. 302 s. 2. JANDA, Jaroslav a kol.: Všeobecná veterinárna chirurgia. 1. vyd. DATAHELP, 1 Košice, 1996. 252 s. ISBN 80-88867-07-X. 3. TURNER, A.S. et al: Techniques in Large Animal Surgery. Williams a Wilkins, Philadelphia, 1989. 381s. ISBN-08123-1377-X. 4. HALL, L.W., CLARKE, K.W., TRIM,C.M.: Veterinary anaesthezia, Saunders, London, 2000. 561s. ISBN-0-7020-2035-4. 5. PRATT, Paul W.: Large Animal Medicine and Surgery. 2. vyd. MOSBY, St. Louis , 1998. 299 s. ISBN 0-8151-7466-7. 6. OEHME, Frederick W.: Textbook of Large Animal Surgery. 1. vyd. WILLIAMS & WILKINS, Baltimore, 1974. 608 s. ISBN 683-06634-X. 7. KERSJES, A.W., NEMETH, F.,RUTGERS, J.E: Atlas of Large Animal Surgery. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1985. 148s. ISBN 0-683-04597-0. Infekčné a parazitárne choroby ošípaných 1. Švrček a kol., (2001, 2003): Infekčné choroby zvierat I. a II. časť Vírusové a priónové choroby (567 s. ISBN 80-88950-15-5); Bakteriálne a mykotické choroby (487 s. ISBN 80-88985-98-6). 2. Straw a kol., Choroby ošípaných, Ed. Hajko, Hajková; 2003: (950 s. ISBN: 80-800700-58-2). 3. Jurášek, Dubinský a kol.: Veterinárna parazitológia. Príroda a.s. Bratislava, 1993, 381 s. 4. Taylor, Coop, Wall: Veterinary parasitology. Blackwell Publishing, 2008, 874 s. Reprodukcia a andrológia ošípaných 1. KUDLÁČ, E.,ELEČKO, J. a kol.: Veterinárne pôrodníctvo a gynekológia, SZN, Praha, 1986. 2. GAMČÍK, P a kol..: Veterinárno-chovateľská kontrola reprodukcie úžitkových zvierat. Príroda, Bratislava, 1988. 336s. 3. GAMČÍK, P., KOZUMPLÍK, J.: Andrológia a umelá inseminácia hospodárskych zvierat, Príroda 1992. 4. GAMČÍK, P., SAKALA, J., LOJDA, L.: Plodnosť hovädzieho dobytka a jej poruchy Príroda, Bratislava, 1980. 5. KAČMÁRIK, J. a kol.: Praktické cvičenia z veterinárskeho pôrodníctva a gynekológie I. časť. 1. vyd. Košice : Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva, 2006. elektronická verzia. 164 s. ISBN 80-8077-024-7. 6. MORROW, David A.: Current Therapy in Theriogenology 2. Diagnosis and Prevention of Reproductive Diseases in Small and Large Animals. 1. vyd. 1143 s. ISBN 0-7216-6580-2. 7. NOAKES, D.E., PARKINSON, T.J.,ENGLAND,G.C.W.: Arthur´s Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. Elsevier, China , 2008, 868s, ISBN- 978 -0- 7020 -2556-3. 8. ANDERSON, D.I., RINGS, D.M.: CURRENT VETERINARY THERAPY: FOOD ANIMAL PRACTICE, Saunders, Elsevier, St. Louis, 2009, 715s. ISBN: 978-1-4160-3591-6.
Conditions for completion of course
Conditions for completion of course:
In all parts of the subject Diseases of pigs (internal - non-infectious, infectious and parasitic diseases, special surgery and orthopedics, reproduction and andrology) 100% participation in the exercises and more than 51% success in the test, handover of the patient - protocol.
Final assessment:
state exam
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 589
Date of last modification: 08.04.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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