Diseases of horses

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-K/SE DofHr/18    Short: SE DofHr
  •  Credits: 10
  •  Completion method: State exam - subject of state exam
  • Semester:
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study:
Course-load: Per week:    -   Per study period: (recommended, in hours)
Method of study:
Prerequisites a following
Equine reproduction
1. Monitoring and regulation of the mare's estrous cycle. 2. The role of the veterinarian in mating and insemination of the mares. 3. Diagnosis of the mare's pregnancy. 4. Embryonic and fetal mortality. 5. Late term pregnancy monitoring. 6. Physiology and pathology of parturition.7. Induction of parturition and abortion. 8. Endometritis and endometriosis.
9. Physiology and pathology of the ovaries. 10. Placentitis, hydrallantois, hydramniosis, abdominal wall hernias, prepubic tendon rupture. 11. Uterine torsion. 12. Infectious abortions in mares. 13. Uterine prolapse, bladder prolapse, partial inversion of the uterine horn, uterine injury, uterine artery bleeding, vulval and vaginal hematoma. 14. Retained fetal membranes.
15. Pneumovagina and urovagina, cervical defects. 16. Perineal injuries. 17. Ovariectomy.
18. Disorders of equine gonadal development. 19. Physiology and pathology of stallion breeding. 20. Semen collection and preservation, quality control. 21. Stallion fertility disorders. 22. Transmission of diseases through semen 23. Diseases of the penis and foreskin.
24. Medical tests of stallions, prevention of infectious diseases. 25. Biotechnological techniques in mare's reproduction.
Equine surgery and orthopedics
1. Principles and indications of local anesthesia. 2. Equine sedation and incomplete general anesthesia. 3. Equine general anesthesia. 4. Equine wounds. 5. Second intention healing wounds in horses. 6. Equine hernias. 7. Stallion castration. 8. Diagnosis and castration of cryptorchids. 9. Equine laparotomy. 10. Enterotomies. 11. Enterectomy. 12. Disorders of teeth exchange and exodontics. 13. Sharp teeth. 14. Surgical diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. 15. Surgical diseases of the pharynx, larynx and guttural pouch. 16. Diseases of the eyelids and conjunctiva. 17. Corneal diseases. 18. Uveitis.
19. Equine hoof diseases. 20. Equine fractures. 21. Developmental anomalies of bones.
22. Tendinosis and tendon ruptures. 23. Developmental anomalies of tendons.
24. Osteoarthritis. 25. Developmental anomalies of joints.
Equine internal diseases 1. Swallowing and esophageal disorders. 2. Stomach diseases and verminous chronic gastritis. 3. Small intestine diseases and verminous enteritis. 4. Large intestine diseases, equine strongylidosis and cyathostomosis. 5. Principle of treatment and prevention of parasitic infections in horses. 6. Peritonitis. 7. Asthma. 8. Pleuropneumonia and verminous pneumonia. 9. Exercise intolerance associated with upper respiratory tract diseases, nasopharyngeal myiasis. 10. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. 11. Heart rhythm disorders. 12. Valvular and septal heart disorders 13. Diseases of blood vessels and veins, and arteritis parasitaria. 14. Equine dermatitis (infectious and parasitic origin). 15. Equine skin tumors. 16. Equine acute and chronic renal failure. 17. Equine cystitis and hematuria. 18. Disorders of horse consciousness. 19. Vestibular syndrome and brainstem disorders. 20. Spinal ataxia and equine protozoan myeloencephalitis. 21. Peripheral nerve disorders. 22. Equine endocrinopathies. 23. Equine myopathies. 24. Hepatopathies and intoxications. 25. Foal diseases (infectious and parasitic).
Completion of the full professional teaching program and 100% participation in practical exercises, seminars, colloquiums, handover of patients and mandatory practice
Learning outcomes
The graduate will be an expert in a) prevention, diagnosis and treatment of selected internal diseases of horses or diseases of internal organs of horses; b) diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent diseases and traumas of horses treatable by surgical methods; c) prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the most frequent disorders, diseases and injuries of the support and movement apparatus of horses; d) prevention, diagnosis and treatment of organic and functional disorders of the reproductive organs of mares and stallions.
Brief outline of the course
After mastering the technique, methods used in internal diseases of horses and after mastering practical exercises, lectures, credit, the student will be able to ensure the risks of internal diseases of horses, blood vessels for long-term fluid therapy, take samples, interpret laboratory results, treat pharmaceuticals, manage emergency conditions, syndrome systemic inflammatory reaction, overheating, shock; manage diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, skin, liver, vascular system and blood, immune and endocrine system, musculoskeletal muscles, nervous system, eye diseases, respiratory system, urinary system, foals, disturbed internal environment, manage intoxication, affect pain, euthanasia , recommend managing the patient's hospitalization, including further nutrition, care; manage recovery. He will provide educated consultations to the breeder when establishing breeding, increasing the economy of breeding, on reducing the risks of internal diseases of horses; will provide knowledgeable consultations to staff and breeders on recognizing the symptoms of internal diseases of horses, caring for a sick horse and a horse in recovery. Students will be able to diagnose and treat frequent surgical diseases of horses and practically practice basic surgical procedures, such as castration, the need for teeth. In the field of orthopedics, the graduate of the subject will master the diagnostic approach to patients with lameness, if the basic intervention on the hoof, will master the basic imaging technique of X-ray and USG in the examination of the musculoskeletal system of horses. After mastering the techniques and procedures used in the examination and therapy of horses and after mastering practical exercises, lectures, credits, the student will be able to diagnose and treat diseases of the ovaries, diseases of the tubular apparatus reproductive organs of mares, lactation disorders, diseases of the postpartum period; will be competent to manage assistance during regular foal birth and to manage complicated foal birth, analyze the risks of pregnancy with a disturbed course, analyze the risks of infertility of mares, perform fertility analysis in horse breeding, organize the transfer of early embryos; will be able to organize admission and artificial insemination in breeding, diagnose and treat diseases of the reproductive system of stallions, analyze the risks of infertility of stallions, perform reproductive surgery of mares and stallions; will provide educated consultations to the breeder when establishing breeding, increasing breeding economy, improving reproductive performance, reducing risks in horse reproduction; will provide knowledgeable consultations to staff and breeders on detection of estrus, care of a pregnant mare, signs of impending birth, assistance during childbirth, care of mother and foal, and recognition of diseases of the reproductive system.
Course syllabus
Equine reproduction
1. Monitoring and regulation of the mare's estrous cycle. 2. The role of the veterinarian in mating and insemination of the mares. 3. Diagnosis of the mare's pregnancy. 4. Embryonic and fetal mortality. 5. Late term pregnancy monitoring. 6. Physiology and pathology of parturition.7. Induction of parturition and abortion. 8. Endometritis and endometriosis.
9. Physiology and pathology of the ovaries. 10. Placentitis, hydrallantois, hydramniosis, abdominal wall hernias, prepubic tendon rupture. 11. Uterine torsion. 12. Infectious abortions in mares. 13. Uterine prolapse, bladder prolapse, partial inversion of the uterine horn, uterine injury, uterine artery bleeding, vulval and vaginal hematoma. 14. Retained fetal membranes.
15. Pneumovagina and urovagina, cervical defects. 16. Perineal injuries. 17. Ovariectomy.
18. Disorders of equine gonadal development. 19. Physiology and pathology of stallion breeding. 20. Semen collection and preservation, quality control. 21. Stallion fertility disorders. 22. Transmission of diseases through semen 23. Diseases of the penis and foreskin.
24. Medical tests of stallions, prevention of infectious diseases. 25. Biotechnological techniques in mare's reproduction.
Equine surgery and orthopedics
1. Principles and indications of local anesthesia. 2. Equine sedation and incomplete general anesthesia. 3. Equine general anesthesia. 4. Equine wounds. 5. Second intention healing wounds in horses. 6. Equine hernias. 7. Stallion castration. 8. Diagnosis and castration of cryptorchids. 9. Equine laparotomy. 10. Enterotomies. 11. Enterectomy. 12. Disorders of teeth exchange and exodontics. 13. Sharp teeth. 14. Surgical diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. 15. Surgical diseases of the pharynx, larynx and guttural pouch. 16. Diseases of the eyelids and conjunctiva. 17. Corneal diseases. 18. Uveitis.
19. Equine hoof diseases. 20. Equine fractures. 21. Developmental anomalies of bones.
22. Tendinosis and tendon ruptures. 23. Developmental anomalies of tendons.
24. Osteoarthritis. 25. Developmental anomalies of joints.
Equine internal diseases 1. Swallowing and esophageal disorders. 2. Stomach diseases and verminous chronic gastritis. 3. Small intestine diseases and verminous enteritis. 4. Large intestine diseases, equine strongylidosis and cyathostomosis. 5. Principle of treatment and prevention of parasitic infections in horses. 6. Peritonitis. 7. Asthma. 8. Pleuropneumonia and verminous pneumonia. 9. Exercise intolerance associated with upper respiratory tract diseases, nasopharyngeal myiasis. 10. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. 11. Heart rhythm disorders. 12. Valvular and septal heart disorders 13. Diseases of blood vessels and veins, and arteritis parasitaria. 14. Equine dermatitis (infectious and parasitic origin). 15. Equine skin tumors. 16. Equine acute and chronic renal failure. 17. Equine cystitis and hematuria. 18. Disorders of horse consciousness. 19. Vestibular syndrome and brainstem disorders. 20. Spinal ataxia and equine protozoan myeloencephalitis. 21. Peripheral nerve disorders. 22. Equine endocrinopathies. 23. Equine myopathies. 24. Hepatopathies and intoxications. 25. Foal diseases (infectious and parasitic).
Recommended literature
1.Tim Mair, Sandy Love, Jim Schumacher, Roger Smith, Grant Frazer, Equine Medicine, surgery and reproduction, Second Edition, Saunders Elsevier, 2013, 1-606;2..Equine Internal Medicine; Reed, S., Bayly, W., Sellon D., Saunders, Elsevier.; 2004 3.Equine emergencies treatment and procedures; Orsini, J., Divers, T., Saunders Elsevier, 2008 4.Current therapy in equine medicine; Robinson, N., Saunders, Elsevier.; 2003 5.Atlas of equine endoscopy; Slovis, N., Mosby 2004 6.Cardiology of the horse; Marr, C., Bowen I.,; Saunders, Elsevier. 2010 7.Stashak TS: Adams Lameness in Horses 5th Ed., Lippincott Williams and Wilkins 2001, pp.1008 8.Colahan PT, Merritt AM, Moore JN, Mayhew IG: Eqine Medicine and Surgery. 5th EdMosby 1999, pp. 2076 9.Auer JA, Stick JA: Equine Surgery 2nd Ed, WB Saunders 1999, pp.960 10.Adams SB, Fesseler JF: Atlas of Equine Surgery, WB Saunders 2000, pp 428 11.McGorum BC et al: Equine Respiratory Medicine and Surgery, WB Saunders 2007, pp 705 12.Hall LW et al: Veterinary Anaesthesia, WB Saunders 2001, pp 561 13.Current therapy in equine reproduction; Samper, J.C., Pycock, J.F., McKinnon, A., Saunders, Elsevier; 2007
Conditions for completion of course
Conditions for completion of course:
Completion of the full professional teaching program and 100% participation in practical exercises, seminars, colloquiums, handover of patients and mandatory practice
Final assessment:
state exam
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 603
Date of last modification: 08.04.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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