Diseases of small animals

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-MZ/SE DofSA/18    Short: SE DofSA
  •  Credits: 10
  •  Completion method: State exam - subject of state exam
  • Semester:
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study:
Course-load: Per week:    -   Per study period: (recommended, in hours)
Method of study:
Prerequisites a following
PART A Skin diseases – Pyodermia, Pyotraumatic dermatitis, Pododermatitis Superficial and deep foliculitis, Furunculosis Skin diseases - alopetic Skin diseases - pruritic Atopy, flea allergy, food sensitivity Skin diseases – miliar dermatitis, eozinofilic complex Ear diseases (Otitis externa, media, interna) and skin adnexes Tumors of skin and subcutis Immune-mediated diseases (lupus, pemfigus, AIHA) and their therapy Hypothyreosis, Hyperthyreosis, Hyperparathyreoidism Diabetes melitus, Akromegaly, Inzulinoma Polyuria, polydipsia diferencial diagnosis and diagnostic procedures Hyperadrenocorticism, Hypoadrenocorticism, Diabetes insipidus Upper respiratory tract diseases: nose, nasal cavity, oropharynx, trachea Upper respiratory tract diseases: Brachycephalic syndrome Lower respiratory tract diseases: bronchy and lungs Lower respiratory tract diseases: Chronic bronchitis, Felinne astma. Diseases of pleura and mediastinum Congenital heart diseases Diseases of myocard (kardiomyopathy) Diseases of valves and pericard Heart failure – compensation mechanism and therapy Arhythmias – causes, diagnostic, therapy Anemia – regenerative – causes, diagnostic, therapy Anemia – nornegenerative – causes, diagnostic, therapy Coagulopathies Lymfoproliferative diseases Lymfadenopathies and splenomegaly: causes, diagnostic, management Diseases of upper gastrointestinal tract: oral cavity, pharynx, saliva glands Diseases of oesophagus Diseases of stomach, differencial diagnosis of vomiting Diseases of small intestines Diseases of colon, rectus, perineal and perianal area Maldigestive, malabsorption syndrome Diseases of pancreas (acute, chronic, EPI) Acute hepatopathy Chronic primary and secondary hepatopathies Diseases of gall bladder and bile ducts Icterus – diferencial diagnosis and diagnostic approach, management Hepato-encefalopathy, Portosystemic shunt – causes, diagnostic, therapy Acute renal failure – causes, diagnostic, management Chronic renal failure – causes, diagnostic, management Disease of urinary bladder and urethra (except urolithiasis) Urolithiasis Disorders of elimination of urine (inkontinence, retention) Epileptiform statuses - causes, diagnostic, management Idiopatic epilepsy Diseases of brain – congenital and inflammatory Diseases of brain - degenerative and neoplastic Neurologic examination and other diagnostic procedures
Vestibular syndrome, Horner syndrome Diseases of muscles (myositis, myopathies) and neuromuscular diseases (myastenia, dysautonomia) The most common intoxications in small animal praxis (kumarins, ethylen glycol, drugs, biotoxins) The basic principles of detoxication of small animals and ABC therapy PART B Infectious and parasitic skin diseases in dogs and cats. Otitis externa Mycotic diseases of small animals Kennel cough and other respiratory infections of dogs and cats Chlamydial infections of cats Parvoviral infections and other GIT infections of dogs GIT infections of cats Infectious diseases of dogs and cats affecting urinary system. Leptospirosis Infectious diseases of dogs and cats affecting reproduction system
Canine distemper, rabies and other diseases affecting nervous system of small animals Rabies in dogs and cats Feline leucemia, feline immunodeficiency, infectious peritonitis and pleuritis Infectious diseases of dogs and cats characterised by natural focality (leptospirosis, lyme boreliosis, tick encephalitis, ehrlichiosis, ....) Preventive, control and eradication measures at infectious diseases of dogs and cats. Epizootological and epidemiological activities in disease reporting and protection of state territory and transport of animals. Registration of companion animals. Pet passports Principles of specific immunoprophylaxis. Vaccination of dogs and cats and actual legislation. Principles of infectious diseases prevention in young animals Protozooses of GIT (giardiosis, cryptosporidiosis, izosporosis, sarcocystosis, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis) Systemic protozooses (toxoplasmosis, neosporosis, leishmaniosis, encephalitozoonosis) Vectorborne blood protozooses (babesiosis, hepatozoonosis, cytauxzoonosis) Vector transmitted helminthoses (dirofilariosis, thelasiosis) and spirocercosis Cestodoses (Dipylidium, Mesocestoides, Taenia and Echinococcus) of dogs and cats Nematodoses of the small and large intestine of dogs and cats (strongyloidosis, toxocarosis, toxascariosis, ancylostomatidoses: Ancylostoma, Uncinaria, trichurosis) Nematodoses of the respiratory system of dogs and cats (Crenosoma, Angiostrongylus, Aeluostrongylus, Filaroides, Capillaria) Ectoparasitoses (scabies, fleas, lice) and other ectoparasites of dogs and cats PART C Disorders of oestrous cycle of the bitch-abnormal oestrus cycle length Induction of oestrus in the bitch and queens Prevention of the breeding in the female (medical approach) Unwanted mating and pregnancy termination Pregnancy loss (embryonal and foetal mortality)
Abort (aetiology, dam examination, necropsy of foetus) Dystocia of the bitch and queen (assessment of vital functions of foetuses during and after parturition) Dystocia of the bitch (criteria of dystocia, primary and secondary atony of uterus) Dystocia of the bitch (obstructive dystocia, forceps delivery) Dystocia of the bitch (medical and surgical management)
Dystocia of the queen (criteria of dystocia) Indication for voluntary and urgent caesarean section Disorders of the puerperium (uterine prolaps, retention of placenta )
Disorders of the puerperium (subinvolution of placental sites, disorders of maternal behaviour) Disorders of the puerperium (metritis, eclampsia)
Disorders of the ovaries (cysts, tumours, remnant syndrome) Disorders of tubular part of reproductive apparatus - uterus - cystic endometrial hyperplasia/pyometra, tumours Disorders of vagina and vulva -vaginal prolaps, vulval discharge, vaginitis, tumours Disorders of the mammary gland - macro morphological irregularity, psedopregnancy, mastitis
Disorders of the mammary gland - agalactia, fibroadenomatous hyperplasia Disorders of the mammary gland – tumours (diagnosis of tumours, clinical classification in bitch and queen - staging) Treatment of the mammary gland tumors – surgical (nodulectomy, mastectomy, mammectomy) and non-surgical therapy Neonatal disorders (physical examination, neonatal resuscitation,) Neonatal disorders (bradycardia, hypothermia) Neonatal disorders (hypoxia, dehydration) Neonatal disorders (viral and protozoal disorders, intestinal parasites) Neonatal disorders (septicaemia, diarrhoea, respiratory distress) Neonatal disorders (fading puppies, neonatal isoerytrolysis) Congenital abnormalities of neonate Management of orphan puppies and kittens (colostrum, milk replacers, bottle and tube feeding, weaning, dehydration and fluid therapy, hypoglycaemia) Disorders of the penis and prepuce – hypospadias, phimosis, paraphimosis Disorders of the penis and prepuce – balanoposthitis, priapism, urethral prolapse Disorders of the testes – anorchism, monorchism, cryptorchidism Disorders of the testes – orchitis, epididymitis, testicular torsion (spermatic cord torsion) Disorders of the testes – spermatocele, testicular tumours Preventive and therapeutic orchiectomy Disorders of the prostate – benign prostatic hyperplasia, neoplasia Disorders of the prostate – cysts, prostatitis Infertility of the bitch - disorders of the heat (primary and secondary anoestrus)
Infertility of the bitch - disorders of oestrous cycle (split oestrus, shortened interval between cycles, lengthened period of pro-oestrus or oestrus) Infertility of the bitch - abnormal mating (behavioural problems, abnormality of reproductive tract) Infertility of the bitch - infertility after apparently normal mating Infertility of the dogs - poor semen quality- teratozoospermia, oligozoospermia, azoospermia, astenozoospermia Infertility of the dogs - failure of conception after normal mating, failure to copulate/ejaculate PART D Diseases of the eyelids, conjunctive and third eyelid Diseases of the cornea- Keratitis, ulceration, perforation Diseases of the iris and retina Diseases of the lacrimal glands and duct. Keratitis sicca Glaucoma
Diseaes of the lens. Neoplasia of the eye Propthosis of the eye ball. Blindness Evaluation and therapeutic surgical methods for eye diseases diagnosis and therapy Surgical diseases of the pina and external ear canal. Methods of the treatment. Lateral resection of the external ear canal. Partial and total ablation of the EEC. Osteotomy of the bulla tympanici Surgical diseases of the salivary glands and ducts. Symptoms, diagnosis and therapy Diseases of the lips. Mouth diseases. Gingivitis. Tartar. Neoplasia of the soft and hard tissue in mouth. Cleft palate. Oronasal fistula. Surgical diseases of the nose Diseases of the teeth - oligodontia, polyodontia, brachygnatia, pulpitis Fracture of the teeths. Extraction of the teeths. Endodontia, exodontia. Local analgesia of the haed in dog Surgical diseases of the esophagus. Hiatal hernia. Esophageal feeding tubes Acute abdomen. Types. Etiology. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Traumatic, hypovolemic and septic shock. Emergency and critical care Surgical diseases of the stomach. Foreign body. Dilatation and volvulus. Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy. Pericardioperitoneal hernia. Neoplasia of the stomach Diaphragmatic hernia. Pericardioperitoneal hernia. Trauma of the abdominal wall and abdominal organs. Umbilical hernia. Traumatic hernia of the abdominal wall. Umbilical hernia Surgical diseases of the pylorus and spleen. Etiology, diagnosis and therapy. Pyloroplasty. Splenectomy Surgical diseases of the the small intestine and cecum. Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy. Enterotomy and enterectomy Surgical diseases of the large intestine. Prolaps ani and recti. Colonpexy Perineal hernia. Diseases of the perianal glands and perineal neoplasia. Diagnosis and treatment Hernias – general information. Inguino- scrotal hernias. Symptoms, diagnosis and therapy.
Surgical diseases of the trachea. Collapse of the trachea. Diagnosis and therapy Trauma of the chest wall and lungs. Neoplasia of the lungs. Pneomothorax. Diagnosis and therapy. Lobectomy. Thoracic drainage. Thoracocenthesis Surgical therapy of the kidneys and surgical diseases of the ureters. Ectopic ureter
Surgical diseases of the urinary bladder and urethra. Cystotomy, cystectomy, urethrotomy and urethrostomy in dog and tomcats Haed and spinal trauma. Emergency and critical care. Diseases of the peripheral nerves on the fore and hind limbs Diseases of the cervical vertebrae and spinal cord. AAI and Wobblers syndrome. Etiology, symptoms and therapy. Myelography
Diseases of the intervertebral disc. Diseases of the thoraco- lumbar vertebrae. Discospondylitis Spondylosis deformans. DISH. Fractures, luxation and neoplasia. Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy Syndrome caudae equina. Transitional lumbosacral vertebrae. Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy General diagnostics of the spinal cord diseases. Spinal reflexes. Imagine diagnostics. Radiology, CT and MRI Pediatric long bone diseases. Neoplasia of the bones. Etiology, symptoms and therapy
Osteochondritis dissecans. Osteoarthritis, osteoarthrosis ( DJD). General principles of the Arthrotomy Diseses of the shoulder joint. Etiology, diagnosis and therapy
Diseases of the elbow joint. Elbow dysplasia. Screening ED. Short radius and short ulna. Etiology, sympthoms and therapy Diseases of the hip joint. Arthritis, arthrosis (DJD). Surgical and medical therapy and therapy Hip dysplasia. Etiology, sympthoms, diagnosis and therapy. Screening program. Grading system of the hip dysplasia Diseases of the stifle joint- patella luxation and fractures. Screening program and therapy. Radiological examination and assessment of the DJD in stifle joint Diseases of the stifle joint. Diseases of the ligaments in stifle joint- LCC and LCCa and collateral ligaments. Diagnosis and treatment Fractures. Etiology, sympthoms. Biological, physical and clinical assessment of the fracture. Methods of therapy. Cerclage. Intramedullary pinning. Bone plate. External fixation of the bone fractures Primary and secondary bone healing. Complications of the fractures treatment and therapy. Arthrodesis Fractures of the pelvis. Diagnosis and therapy Surgical oncology. General principles. Amputation of the digits and limbs Diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy. Rehabilitation and physical therapy Principles of the general anesthesia. Perioperative pain management. Monitoring of the patient in perioperative time. ASA system Lameness in dog and cat
Brief outline of the course
Surgery and orthopaedics of small animals is focused on Diseases of the auricle ,Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth in small animals , Diseases of the oesophagus. Principles of surgery in abdominal cavity in dogs and cats., Acute abdomen. Gastric dilatation and torsion., Diseases of the small intestine . Diseases of the colon and rectum. Diseases of the trachea and chest wall and lung. Surgery for the urinary system. Eye diseases. Hernias. Diagnosis of lameness. Treatment of fractures: Mandible, thoracic limb. IM (intramedullary) pinning and cerklage. External fixation. Pelvis and pelvic limb. Plate and screws. DCP (dynamic compression plate) method. Osteochondrosis. Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthrosis. Therapy. Fundamentals of arthrotomy. Diseases of the hip joint. Luxations. Arthrosis. CHD (canine hip dysplasia). Diseases of the shoulder joint. Diseases of elbow joint. Rupture of LCC. Luxation of the knee joint. Patellar luxation. Diseases of meniscus. Trauma of the brain and the spinal cord. Peripheral nerve paralysis. Diagnostics and therapy. Diseases of the cervical. thoracic and lumbar spine. Intervertebral disc disease. Cauda equina syndrome. Luxation and fractures of the spine. Medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the spine and spinal cord.
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 603
Date of last modification: 08.04.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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