Veterinary dermatology in small animals

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-MZ/GVM-VetDrmSA/20    Short: GVM-VetDrmSA
  •  Credits: 3
  •  Completion method: Credit
  •   Lectures: 2 / Practice: 2
  •   Semester: summer semester
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Lecture / Practical
Course-load: Per week: 2 / 2   -   Per study period: 26 / 26 (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
The principal condition for passing the educational programme of the given subject is 100% attendance at all of the sessions. It is allowed to be absent only once during the semester.
Learning outcomes
The studied subject provides the information about the dermatologic diseases in dogs of various etiology, the most often occuring symptoms, localization and breed predisposition of individual breeds. It allows students to learn about the most accurate diagnostic methods of the given diseases and the possibilities of their differential diagnostics in practice and therapy.
Brief outline of the course
1. Information on labour safety for students. Principles of clinical diagnosis in dermatology, 2. Viral, rickettsial, and protozoal skin diseases. 3. Fungal skin diseases, 4. Parasitic skin diseases, 5. Hypersensitive skin diseases I, 6. Hypersensitive skin diseases II. 7. Autoimmune skin diseases and immune - mediated dermatoses. 8. Congenital and hereditary defects. Nutritional disorders. 9. Hypothyroidism and hyposomatotropism. 10. Other endocrinopathies with skin manifestation. 11. Pigmentation and keratinization disorders. Physical and chemical causes of the skin diseases. 12. Ear and skin derivates diseases. 13. Skin diseases of cats.
Course syllabus
1. Information on labour safety for the students. Principles of clinical diagnosis in dermatology.
Morphology and function of the skin, characteristics of primary and secondary eflorescence. Dermatological diagnosis laboratory examinations.
2. Viral, rickettsial, and protozoal skin diseases.
Characteristics of the most significant viral and rickettsial infections in dogs and cats with skin manifestations. Bacterial skin diseases, diagnosis and treatment.
3. Fungal skin diseases.
Dermatophytosis and dermatomycoses, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment in dogs and cats.
4. Parasitic skin diseases.
Arthropod parasites – characteristic, diagnosis and treatment of demodicosis, scabies, notoedric mange, cheyletiellosis, trombiculiasis. Parasitic skin diseases caused by insects - fleas, pediculosis, fly, myiasis. Characteristic, diagnosis and treatment of the skin diseases caused by nematoda.
5. Hypersensitive skin diseases I.
Hypersensitive reactions. Atopy and IDST.
6. Hypersensitive skin diseases II.
Food hypersensitivity and contact dermatitis. Characteristic, diagnosis and treatment.
7. Autoimmune skin diseases and immune - mediated dermatoses.
Characteristic of autoimmune diseases with skin manifestation in dogs and cats. Pemphigus complex, bullous pemphigoid, SLE, DLE, vasculitis, eosinophilic complex in cats, other immune-mediated skin diseases.
8. Congenital and hereditary defects. Nutritional disorders.
Alopetic breeds, Black hair follicular dysplasia, Color dilution alopecia, Alopecia „X“,
Canine pattern baldness, Idiopathic bald thigh syndrome, Anagen and telogen defluxion, Postclipping alopecia, Injection reaction, Canine dermatomyositis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Dermoid sinus, Feline psychogenic alopecia.
9. Hypothyroidism and hyposomatotropism.
Etiology of hypothyroidism, variable clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment of clinical cases, euthyroid sick syndrome differential diagnosis.
10. Other endocrinopathies with skin manifestation.
Hyperadrenocorticism, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Sex hormone dermatosis, differential diagnosis of hypo- and hyper- function of gonads (Testicular hormone dysbalance, hyperestrogenism, hypoestrogenism).
11. Pigmentation and keratinization disorders. Physical and chemical causes of the skin diseases.
Seborrhea, Schnauzer comedo syndrome, Nasodigital hyperkeratosis, Tail gland hyperplasia, Ichthyosis, Feline acne, Vitiligo, Solar dermatitis, Congelatio, Thalium intoxication.
12. Ear and skin derivates diseases.
Ear canal morphology, otitis externa, media, interna predisposing factors. Variable primary and secondary diseases of pinna. Diseases of claws, diagnosis and therapy. Anal sac diseases, anal and perianal tumors.
13. Skin diseases of cats.
Feline skin diseases, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
Recommended literature
MEDLEAU and HNILICA : Small Animal Dermatology- A color atlas and Therapeutic Guide
SCOTT, D.W., MILLER,W.H., GRIFFIN, C.E.: In Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal dermatology.5th edition, Philadelphia WB Saunders,
FELDMAN, C., NELSON, R. W.: Canine and Feline Endocrinology and Reproduction,1996
Conditions for completion of course
Content prerequisite:
Anatomy , Physiology, Pathological Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathological anatomy,Clinical diagnostics,
Continuous assessment:
Controlled written tests
Conditions for completion of course:
The principal condition for passing the educational programme of the given subject is 100% attendance at all of the sessions. It is allowed to be absent only once during the semester.
Final assessment:
Controlled written tests
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 38
Date of last modification: 08.04.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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