Clinical practice - Clinic of pigs

Study programme: general veterinary medicine full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-O/CP-CPg/20    Short: CP-CPg
  •  Credits: 4
  •  Completion method: Credit
  • Semester:
Form, course-load and method od study:
Form of study: Practical
Course-load: Per week:    -   Per study period: 60s (recommended, in hours)
Method of study: prezenčná
Prerequisites a following
Completion of the prescribed number of hours of clinical practice with the implementation of required actions and activities (see record book of clinical practice - subject syllabus). An important condition for passing the course is also the preparation and submission of a protocol. Protocol is drawn up on the basis of weekly patient care. Due to the infectious situation associated with African swine fever in the region of eastern Slovakia, clinical practice is carried out only at the UVMF pig clinic in Košice. In case of absence, a replacement is required, the form, place and time of which will be determined by the relevant teacher who is on duty at the pig clinic on the given day.
Learning outcomes
After completing the subject, the student acquires knowledge, practical habits and manual skills in mastering basic diagnostic methods, determining the diagnosis, performing therapy and preventing pig diseases. This creates prerequisites for the student for his successful application in commercial pig breeding or in the field of experimental research with an emphasis on:
- clinical skills in the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of diseases,
- consulting activity
- theoretical knowledge and gaining experience in anesthesia, sedation and immobilization of pigs and free-living pigs, about surgical procedures, about the methods of using special diagnostic and therapeutic devices in the diagnosis and surgical therapy of diseases in pigs,
- manual dexterity in handling diagnostic equipment and surgical interventional therapy in all categories of pigs.
Brief outline of the course
The content, focus and goal of the study subject "Clinical Practice - Clinic of pigs" is the acquisition of knowledge, practical habits and skills in the field of diagnosis, therapy and prevention of organ, metabolic and production diseases of pigs. At the same time, the subject educates students in the use of special diagnostic methods and surgical therapeutic procedures for organ diseases of pigs, sows, sows and boars in breeding and experimental conditions.
Course syllabus
List of procedures and activities required for the completion of clinical practice:
1. Elaboration of anamnesis and the patient handover (week-long care for the patient; clinical, laboratory and specialised examination methods; diagnosis; prognosis; therapy; consultation and differential diagnostics)
2. Sampling biological materials and its delivery for examination (blood, faeces, swabs, organs ... )
3. Administration of medicaments (s.c., i.m., i.v., p.o ... )
4. Dealing with reproduction problems in raisings of sows and young sows (assistance at delivery, biotechnical regulation of reproduction, USG diagnostics of pregnancy and embryonic mortality)
5. Artificial insemination of sows as prevention of reproductive disorders
6. Castration of boars and young boars and ovariectomy in young sows.
7. Clipping teeth and docking tails
8. Inserting cannula (i.v.)
9. Surgical intervention of hernias
10. Treatment of pig feet and limbs
11. Postmortal diagnostics of diseases and sampling biological material to determine the cause of death
12. Clinical, field and laboratory methods of diagnostics of infectious diseases, application of vaccination schemes in field conditions
13. Performing preventive measures in pigs raisings
14. Acquiring practical skills and experience for the control of suspected infectious disease. Training practice during the infectious disease outbreaks. Notification of diseases.
15. Obtaining and evaluating the epizootiological anamnesis
16. Collecting and packaging materials for laboratory testing for suspected selected infectious disease
17. Mastering the field and laboratory methods for the diagnostics of infectious diseases
18. The processing of obtained material for targeted laboratory examination by the appropriate laboratory of the Institute (as Institute of Virology, Bacteriology, Immunology and Haematology)
19. Active participation in therapeutic procedures, application of medications and biopreparations
20. Mastering basic vaccination schemes, the administration of vaccines
21. Participation in special examinations of animals
22. Registration of livestock
Recommended literature
Conditions for completion of course
Continuous assessment:
Daily, during morning session with teacher in the clinic
Conditions for completion of course:
Completion of the prescribed number of hours of clinical practice with the implementation of required actions and activities (see record book of clinical practice - subject syllabus). An important condition for passing the course is also the preparation and submission of a protocol. Protocol is drawn up on the basis of weekly patient care. Due to the infectious situation associated with African swine fever in the region of eastern Slovakia, clinical practice is carried out only at the UVMF pig clinic in Košice. In case of absence, a replacement is required, the form, place and time of which will be determined by the relevant teacher who is on duty at the pig clinic on the given day.
Final assessment:
Necessary - disposable protective clothing, rubber boots, stethoscope, thermometer, record book of clinical and professional practice.
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 262
Date of last modification: 27.03.2023
Approved by: Tutot Dr. h. c. Prof. MVDr. Jana Mojžišová, PhD.
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