Analýza kontaminantov v potravinách a krmovinách

Study programme: animal hygiene and environment external form of study
Teaching language:   slovak
Subject code: KaFaT/AKvPaK-ef/PVP/22    Short: AKvPaK-ef/PVP
  •  Credits: 5
  •  Completion method: Skúška
The study program is taught in Slovak language, therefore some parts of the information subject information letter are only available in this language.
Form, course-load and method od study:
Method of study: prezenčnáprezenčná
Prerequisites a following
During the semester, the student is acquaint with the topics: Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and the quality assurance program in testing workplaces. Classification of contaminants in feed and food according to applicable legislation. Animal and human intoxication caused by heavy metals (eg: Pb, Hg, As, Mn, Cd, Cr). Intoxication with plant protection preparations (pesticides: selected insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides and fungicides). Intoxication by drugs present in food and feed (selected antibiotics, anticoccidics, hormonal preparations). Intoxications with alkaloids and mycotoxins present in food and feed. Intoxications with other feed and food contaminants included in the current EU legislation (nitrates, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), benzo-a-pyrenes and others). Basic terms in toxicology, factors affecting toxicity, principles of diagnosis of poisoning caused by feed and food contaminants. Collection, packaging, labeling and sending of samples for toxicological laboratory analysis. Acquaintance with valid EU legislation in the field of feed and food safety. Laboratory examination and its phases – pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phase. Analytical process and its phases – extraction, purification and detection of chemical substances. Accreditation of analytical methods. Principles of good laboratory practice (GLP). Chromatographic methods – gas chromatography (GC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and ion exchange chromatography (IEC). Electrophoretic methods – moving interface electrophoresis (MBE), zone electrophoresis (ZE), isotachophoresis (ITP). Spectrophotometric methods – UV-VIS spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and mass spectrometry (MS).
The participation on practical exercises in accordance with the Study Regulations of the UVLF in Košice, passing a credit test and the final examination with a minimum success rate of 51%.
Learning outcomes
The student will acquire a full knowledge about the complex process of analysis of contaminants in feed and food, oriented mainly to the principles of good laboratory practice, the individual phases of the analytical process, the ability to choose a specific analytical method depending on the evaluated sample and the determined contaminant, and the correct interpretation of the results of laboratory analyzes in the broader context of a specific case of contamination, then to specific physico-chemical and biochemical analytical methods of qualitative and quantitative determination of various groups of possible feed and food contaminants (especially pesticides, veterinary drugs and industrial chemicals).
Brief outline of the course
Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and quality assurance program in testing laboratories. Classification of contaminants in feed and food according to applicable legislation. Animal and human intoxication caused by heavy metals (eg: Pb, Hg, As, Mn, Cd, Cr). Intoxication with plant protection preparations (pesticides: selected insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides and fungicides). Intoxication by drugs present in food and feed (selected antibiotics, anticoccidics, hormonal preparations). Intoxications with alkaloids and mycotoxins present in food and feed. Intoxications with other feed and food contaminants included in the current EU legislation (nitrates, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), benzo-a-pyrenes and others). Basic terms in toxicology, factors affecting toxicity, principles of diagnosis of poisoning caused by feed and food contaminants. Collection, packaging, labeling and sending of samples for toxicological laboratory analysis. Acquaintance with valid EU legislation in the field of feed and food safety. Laboratory examination and its phases – pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phase. Analytical process and its phases – extraction, purification and detection of chemical substances. Accreditation of analytical methods. Principles of good laboratory practice (GLP). Chromatographic methods – gas chromatography (GC), thin layer chromatography (TLC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and ion exchange chromatography (IEC). Electrophoretic methods – moving interface electrophoresis (MBE), zone electrophoresis (ZE), isotachophoresis (ITP). Spectrophotometric methods – UV-VIS spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy. Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and mass spectrometry (MS).
Course syllabus
The topics of the lectures coincide with the topics of the exercises: 1. week) Introduction to toxicology, basic terms in toxicology • toxicology, intoxication, toxin • factors affecting poison toxicity • diagnosis of animal poisoning 2. week) Collection, packaging, labeling of samples for laboratory examination and toxicological analysis, Phases of laboratory examination, principles of SLP • Pre-analytical phase - sampling, packaging of samples, preservation of samples and transport of samples • Pre-analytical phase – sample preparation for analysis • Analytical phase – process of separation of contaminants from the sample • Analytical phase – process of purification of separated contaminants • Analytical phase – identification of a specific contaminant • Post-analytical phase – Evaluation of analysis results and interpretation of laboratory analysis results • GLP principles and quality assurance program in test sites 3. week) Contaminants in feed – heavy metals (Pb, Hg, As, Mn, Cd, Cr) 4. week) Contaminants in feed - PPP (insecticides, rodenticides, herbicides and fungicides) 5. week) Contaminants in feed - pharmaceuticals (an algetics + anticoccidics) 8. week) Contaminants in feed – alkaloids and mycotoxins 7. week) Thin layer chromatography (TLC) • Principle of the TLC method and instrumentation • Stationary and mobile phases in TLC 9.) High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) • Division of HPLC methods, principle and instrumentation of HPLC • Stationary and mobile phases used in HPLC • Detectors in HPLC • Use of HPLC in analytical laboratories 10.) Gas chromatography (GC) + other chromatographic methods • Division of GC methods, principle and instrumentation of GC • Columns and mobile phases used in GC • Detectors in GC • Use of GC in analytical laboratories • Ion exchange chromatography (principle and use) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) – principle and use 11.) Electrophoretic methods • Division of electrophoretic methods • Principle, instrumentation and use of individual electrophoretic methods • Moving interface electrophoresis • Zone electrophoresis – gel, affinity, capillary electrophoresis • Isoelectric focusing • Isotachophoresis 12.) UV-VIS spectrophotometry • Principle and instructions mentation UV-VIS • Lambert-Beer law, transmittance, absorbance • Radiation sources and detectors in UV-VIS • Use of UV-VIS spectrophotometry in analytical laboratories, Infrared spectrophotometry (IR) • Principle and instrumentation of IR • Rotational and vibrational transitions, IR spectrum • Radiation sources and detectors in IR • Use of IR spectrophotometry • Atomic absorption spectrophotometry • Principle and instrumentation of the AAS method • Radiation sources and atomizers used in AAS • Use of AAS in the determination of metals 13. week) Credit test + repetition
Recommended literature
1. Bustin, D., Čakrt, M., Lehotay, J., Polonský, J.: Analytická chémia II. Bratislava: STU, 1996, 213 s. ISBN 80-227-0885-2. 2. Garaj, J., Hladký, Z., Labuda, J.: Analytická chémia I. Bratislava: STU, 1996, 188 s. ISBN 80-227-0838-0. 3. Klouda, P.: Moderní analytické metody. Ostrava: Nakl. Pavel Klouda, 2003, 203 s. ISBN 80-86369-07-2. 4. Legáth, J. a kol.: Všeobecná toxikológia. Študijné materiály. Košice: UVLF, 2019, 380 s. ISBN 978-80-8077-656-5. 5. Gupta, R.C. a kol.: Veterinary toxicology, Basic and clinical principles, 2nd edition, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-12-385926-6 6. Gupta, R.C. a kol.: Veterinary toxicology, Basic and clinical principles, 1st edition, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-12-370467-2 7.
Conditions for completion of course
Obsahová prerekvizita:
Chemistry, physical and analytical chemistry
Priebežné hodnotenie:
The participation in practical exercises in accordance with the Study Regulations of UVLF in Košice and completion of a credit test with a minimum success rate of 51%.
Podmienky na absolvovanie predmetu:
The participation on practical exercises in accordance with the Study Regulations of the UVLF in Košice, passing a credit test and the final examination with a minimum success rate of 51%.
Záverečné hodnotenie:
A minimum rate of 51% is required to pass the final examination. The knowledge is evaluated in accordance with the Study Regulations of the UVLF in Košice (in the range A-E, and Fx=unsuccessful).
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 1
Date of last modification: 01.12.2022
Approved by: Tutot Prof. MVDr. Jaroslav Legáth, CSc.
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