Hygiene and quality of fish and fishery products

Study programme: food hygiene full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: KaHTaZbp/HQFFP df/COS/22    Short: HQFFP df/COS
  •  Credits: 5
  •  Completion method: Examination
Form, course-load and method od study:
Method of study: prezenčnápresent
Prerequisites a following
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on the topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Learning outcomes
After completing this course, graduates acquire knowledge primarily in the area of fish taxonomy requirements, fish processing and production of fish products and freezing and practical skills in laboratory analysis with a focus on the health requirements of fish established by applicable legislation... Graduates are able to carry out qualified activities in the state administration, in the field of veterinary care and food supervision for the purpose of assessing the quality and health safety of fish and fishery products.
Brief outline of the course
Legislation on aquaculture and marine fish and fish products. Composition and nutritional value of fish meat. Determination of the constituents of fish meat and fish products, products of the decomposition process. Taxonomy of freshwater fish (production freshwater fisheries and market species of freshwater fish). Taxonomy of marine fish (herring (Clupeiformes), cod (Gadiformes), salmon (Salmoniformes), perch (Perciformes). Occurrence of potential biological and chemical hazards. Analysis of contaminants in fishery products. Processing of freshwater and marine fish. Technological equipment for fish processing. Freshwater and marine fish freshness assessment. Assessment of sensory parameters of freshwater and marine fish. Probiotics in aquaculture.
Recommended literature
Popelka, P. Vplyv technologických procesov na kvalitu rýb. 1. vyd. Košice : UVLF v Košiciach, 2021. 80 s. ISBN 978-80-8077-702-9. Pipová, M., Popelka, P., Sabolová, G.: Senzorické posudzovanie rýb a rybacích výrobkov. Inštitút vzdelávania veterinárnych lekárov, Košice, 2007, ISBN: 978-80-89280-12-4. Popelka, P., Šuleková, M., Jevinová, P., Semjon, B., Hudáková, T., Klempová, T., Čertík, M., Roba, P., Várady, M. Influence of smoking and packaging methods on physicochemical and microbiological quality of smoked mackerel (Scomber scombrus). In Acta veterinaria Brno. ISSN 0001-7213, 2021, vol. 90, no. 1, p. 117-124. Pipová, M., Popelka, P., Jevinová, P.: Laboratórne vyšetrenie rýb a rybacích výrobkov. Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva v Košiciach, 2008, ISBN: 978-80-8077-100-3. Vyhláška MPaRV SR č.425/2012 upravujúca produkty rybolovu a výrobky z nich. Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 food hygiene. Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004, specific hygiene requirements. Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005 microbiological criteria.
Conditions for completion of course
Conditions for completion of course:
In order to pass the course, the student must have active participation in lectures and practical training. The prerequisite for passing the examination is the preparation and defence of a seminar paper on the topic assigned by the supervisor (in the range A-E), which is the result of self-study. The examination is awarded on the basis of an assessment of the knowledge acquired (in the A-E range).
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 0
Date of last modification: 12.09.2022
Approved by: Tutot Prof. MVDr. Slavomír Marcinčák, PhD.
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