Veterinary ophthalmology

Study programme: veterinary surgery, orthopedics and radiology full-time form of study
Teaching language:   english
Subject code: K-MZ/VetOft df/COS/22    Short: VetOft df/COS
  •  Credits: 5
  •  Completion method: Examination
Form, course-load and method od study:
Method of study: prezenčnápresent
Prerequisites a following
After completing the prescribed scope and form of study, the student receives credit if he obtains at least 51% of the possible points in the credit test. He will take the exam if he achieves the prescribed number of points in terms of the credit system of the study.
Learning outcomes
By completing the study subject, the student will master the necessary knowledge from the latest knowledge in the field of veterinary ophthalmology in relation to the solved problem. He will acquire the necessary knowledge about a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis and therapy of eye diseases.
Brief outline of the course
In the subject, doctoral students will gain knowledge about eye diseases caused by primary diseases of the organism and their manifestations on the eye in all kinds of animals. They will acquire knowledge and skills in diagnosis, therapy and a comprehensive approach in dealing with ophthalmological patients
Recommended literature
Veterinary surgery Small animal, Tobias KM a Johnston S, 2011
Veterinary Ophtalmic Surgery, Gellat KN a Gellat JP, 2011
Conditions for completion of course
Conditions for completion of course:
After completing the prescribed scope and form of study, the student receives credit if he obtains at least 51% of the possible points in the credit test. He will take the exam if he achieves the prescribed number of points in terms of the credit system of the study.
Evaluation of the course
Total number of evaluated students: 0
Date of last modification: 28.11.2022
Approved by: Tutot Prof. MVDr. Alexandra Trbolová, PhD.
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