Róbert Link, DVM, PhD

Year Category
2004 AFD LINK, Róbert - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - HÚSKA, Miroslav. Vplyv podávania Bacillus licheniformis na imunitu prasiat proti salmonele : [Effects of Bacillus licheniformis on immunity in piglets infected with Salmonela strain] In: Risk Factors of Food Chain, October 7th 2004, Nitra : Proceeding Book (Abstracts) of 3-th International Scientific Conference. 1. vyd. Nitra : SPU, 2004. ISBN 80-8069-416-8, online, s. 149-151.
2004 AFD JESENSKÁ, Mária - HIŠČÁKOVÁ, Mária - NAGY, Oskar - NOVOTNÝ, Jaroslav - LINK, Róbert - KOVÁČ, Gabriel. Význam fosforu v minerálnom metabolizme ošípaných. In: Priemyselná toxikológia 04, 2.-4. júna 2004. Bratislava 2004. ISBN 80-968011-4-7, s. 144-146.
2004 AFD LINK, Róbert - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - HIŠČÁKOVÁ, Mária - JESENSKÁ, Mária. Zlepšenie trávenia mlieka probiotikami na báze rodu bacillus : [Improvement og milk digestion with probiotics on basis of bacillus] In: HYGIENA ALIMENTORUM XXV: Aktuálne otázky výroby a spracovania. mlieka - bezpečné potraviny pre všetkých, 27.-28. mája 2004, Štrbské Pleso, Vysoké tatry : Zborník prednášok a posterov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. 1. vyd. Košice : UVL, 2004. ISBN 80-88985-99-4, s. 201-202.
2004 AFH NOVOTNÝ, Jaroslav - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - LINK, Róbert - JESENSKÁ, Mária - PISTL, Juraj - HÚSKA, Miroslav. Bioplexes trace elements as alternatives to ATB stimulators of growth. In: . Risk factors of food chain. October 7-th, 2004, Nitra. 2004. ISBN 80-8069-415-X, s. 34.
2004 AFH HIŠČÁKOVÁ, Mária - JESENSKÁ, Mária - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - LINK, Róbert - SEIDEL, Herbert. Concentrations of cadmium and arsenic in milk of dairy cows in Slovakia. In: . Hygiena alimentorum XXV: Actual questions of production and processing of the milk - safe food for everyone, May 26th-28th 2004, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras : Proceedings of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Košice : UVL, 2004. ISBN 80-8077-000-X, s. 61.
2004 AFH JESENSKÁ, Mária - HIŠČÁKOVÁ, Mária - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - LINK, Róbert - SEIDEL, Herbert. Concentrations of lead and zinc in milk of dairy cows from three slovakian regions. In: . Hygiena alimentorum XXV: Actual questions of production and processing of the milk - safe food for everyone, May 26th-28th 2004, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras : Proceedings of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Košice : UVL, 2004. ISBN 80-8077-000-X, s. 62.
2004 AFH HÚSKA, Miroslav - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - LINK, Róbert - MARETTA, Milan - NOVOTNÝ, Jaroslav - REVAJOVÁ, Viera - KORÉNEK, Marián. Effect of application of Lactobacillus plantarum and E.coli to internal environment of pigs. In: . NEW PERSPECTIVES OF PROBIOTICS, Košice, Slovakia 15th-19th September 2004. Košice 2004. s. 113.
2004 AFH LINK, Róbert - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - LINK, Róbert - NOVOTNÝ, Jaroslav - REICHEL, Peter - ZACHAR, Peter. Effect of Bacillus licheniformis on immunity in piglets infected with Salmonela strain. In: . Risk factors of food chain. October 7-th, 2004, Nitra. 2004. ISBN 80-8069-415-X, s. 28.
2004 AFH LINK, Róbert - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - HIŠČÁKOVÁ, Mária - JESENSKÁ, Mária. Improvement of milk digestion with probiotics on basis of bacillus. In: . Hygiena alimentorum XXV: Actual questions of production and processing of the milk - safe food for everyone, May 26th-28th 2004, Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras : Proceedings of Abstracts. 1. vyd. Košice : UVL, 2004. ISBN 80-8077-000-X, s. 63.
2004 AFH HÚSKA, Miroslav - KOVÁČ, Gabriel - LINK, Róbert - NOVOTNÝ, Jaroslav - REICHEL, Peter - ZACHAR, Peter. Influence of Lactobacillus Reuteri and E.coli administration on internal enviroment in pig. In: . Risk factors of food chain. October 7-th, 2004, Nitra. 2004. ISBN 80-8069-415-X, s. 18.
Number of records in database: 291
Last database update: 07. 11. 2023 12:52:23
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