Pavlina Jevinová, DVM, PhD

Year Category
2020 ADC VÝROSTKOVÁ, Jana - PIPOVÁ, Monika - SEMJON, Boris - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína - REGECOVÁ, Ivana - MAĽOVÁ, Jana. Antibacterial effects of hydrogen peroxide and caprylic acid on selected foodborne bacteria. In: Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2020. ISSN 1505-1773, Vol. 23, no. 3 (2020), p. 439-446.
(2020: 0.821 - IF, 27 - H-index, 1.005 - IF 5y, 0.302 - SJR, Q2 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
2021 ADC POPELKA, Peter - ŠULEKOVÁ, Monika - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína - SEMJON, Boris - HUDÁKOVÁ, Terézia - KLEMPOVÁ, Tatiana - ČERTÍK, Milan - ROBA, Pavol - VÁRADY, Matúš. Influence of smoking and packaging methods on physicochemical and microbiological quality of smoked mackerel (Scomber scombrus). In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2021. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 90, no. 1 (2021), p. 117-124.
(2021: 0.817 - IF, 40 - H-index, 0.892 - IF 5y, 0.264 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q4 - JCR Best Q)
2014 ADC REGECOVÁ, Ivana - PIPOVÁ, Monika - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína - KMEŤ, Vladimír - VÝROSTKOVÁ, Jana - SOPKOVÁ, Drahomíra. Antimicrobial resistance of coagulase-negative species of staphylococci isolated from the meat of wild pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) : [Antimikrobiálna rezistancia koaguláza-negatívnych druhov stafylokokov iyolovaných z mäsa bažanta poľovného (Phasianus colchicus)] In: Italian Journal of Animal Science. 2014. ISSN 1594-4077, Vol. 13, no. 3 (2014), p. 627-630.
(2014: 0.718 - IF, 32 - H-index, 0.177 - IF 5y, 0.363 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
2008 ADF MÁRTONOVÁ, Mária - PIPOVÁ, Monika - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína. Antibiotic resistance of staphylococci from hares, pheasants and poultry products in East Slovakia and North-East Austria. In: Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2008. ISSN 1336-8672, Vol. 47, č. 4 (2008) s. 163–169.
2017 ADD REGECOVÁ, Ivana - TUREK, Peter - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína - PIPOVÁ, Monika - MAČANGA, Ján. Monitoring of microbiological quality in the process of production of steak tartare : [Sledovanie mikrobiologickej kvality v procese výroby tatárskeho bifteku] In: Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2017. ISSN 1336-8672, Vol. 56, č. 4(2017), s. 318-325.
(2017: 0.687 - IF, 22 - H-index, 0.831 - IF 5y, 0.313 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q4 - JCR Best Q)
2011 ADC ŽOLDOŠ, Peter - POPELKA, Peter - MARCINČÁK, Slavomír - NAGY, Jozef - MESARČOVÁ, Lýdia - PIPOVÁ, Monika - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína - NAGYOVÁ, Alena - MAĽA, Pavel. The effect of glaze on the quality of frozen stored Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) fillets under stable and unstable conditions. In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2011. ISSN 0001-7213, Vol. 80, č. 3 (2011), s. 299-304.
(2011: 0.431 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.539 - IF 5y, 0.274 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
2013 ADC MESARČOVÁ, Lýdia - MARCINČÁK, Slavomír - NAGY, Jozef - POPELKA, Peter - BAČA, Martin - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína - MARCINČÁKOVÁ, Dana. Effect of glaze and selected herbal extracts on lipid oxidation and sensory properties of frozen Atlantic herrings (Clupea harengus L.). In: Acta Alimentaria. 2013. ISSN 0139-3006, Vol. 42, č. 2(2013), s. 236 - 244.
(2013: 0.427 - IF, 27 - H-index, 0.421 - IF 5y, 0.210 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q4 - JCR Best Q)
2006 ADE LOHAJOVÁ, Ľuboslava - NAGY, Jozef - RÓŽAŇSKA, Hanna - POPELKA, Peter - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína. Suitability of Star and Premitest for the detection of Amoxycillin residues in laying hens. In: Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2006. ISSN 0042-4870, Roč. 50, č. 3 (2006), s. 367-371.
2005 ADE KOŽÁROVÁ, Ivona - JANOŠOVÁ, Jana - MÁTÉ, Dionýz - PIPOVÁ, Monika - JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína. Utilisation of para-aminobenzoic acid [PABA] for the presumptive identification of sulphadimidine at its residue screening by using the microbiological four-plate test. In: Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2005. ISSN 0042-4870, Roč. 49, č. (2005), s. 59-64.
2003 ADE JEVINOVÁ, Pavlína - DUDRIKOVÁ, Eva - SOKOL, Jozef - NAGY, Jozef - MÁTÉ, Dionýz - PIPOVÁ, Monika - CABADAJ, Rudolf. Determination of oxytetracycline residues in milk with the use of HPLC method and two microbial inhibition assays. In: Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy. 2003. ISSN 0042-4870, Roč. 47, č. 1 (2003), s. 211-216.
Number of records in database: 247
Last database update: 07. 11. 2023 12:52:23
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