Year Category
2008 AFG BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Soybean Protease Inhibitors Influence, Growth, Development and Enzyme Activity of Proteases of Housefly Larvae of Musca domestica. In: Congress Business Travel. XXI. Biochemický sjezd České společnosti pro biochemii a molekulární biologii a Slovenské spoločnosti pre biochémiu a molekulárnu biológiu.14. - 17. září 2008. Praha : JPM Tisk, 2008. ISBN 80-86313-21-2, s. 114.
2007 AAB BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana. Proteázy a ich inhibítory v larvách múch. Možnosti terapeutického využitia. Rec. Juraj Pistl, Juraj Guzy. 1. vyd. Košice : UVL, 2007. ISBN 978-80-89271-28-3, 84 s.
2007 AEE KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - ŠTEFFEKOVÁ, Zuzana - BLAHOVEC, Ján. Ovine amniotic fluid fractions influence lymphocyte and fibroblast proliferation. In: Collection symposium Series - Biologically Active Peptides. Prague 2007. Vol. 9, č.(2007), s. 69-71.
2007 AEE KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Partial purification of larval aminopeptidases and determination of some kinetic parameters. In: Collection symposium Series - Biologically Active Peptides, Vol. 9, 2007. Prague 2007. ISBN 978-8086241-28-9, s. 66-68.
2007 AEE BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Proteolytic enzymes with endo- and exo- peptidolytic activity in different larval stages of housefly Musca domestica. In: Collection symposium Series - Biologically Active Peptides, Vol. 9, 2007, S. 11-13. Prague 2007.
2007 AFH KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Determination of some kinetic parameters of partially purified larval leucin aminopeptidase. In: SSB 2007. Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules SSB 2007, september 5-8, 2007, Košice, Slovak Republic : 5th conference and satellite conference Modern Trends in Biomacromolecular Research : book of contributions. 1. vyd. Košice : UPJŠ, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7097-6, s. 130-131.
2007 AFH BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Exopeptidases in different larval stages of housefly Musca domestica. In: SSB 2007. Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules 2007, september 5-8, 2007, Košice, Slovak Republic : 5th conference and satellite conference Modern Trends in Biomacromolecular Research : book of contributions. 1. vyd. Košice : UPJŠ, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7097-6, s. 128-129.
2007 BDE BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Larvoterapia, alternatívna možnosť liečenia rán v humánnej a veterinárnej medicíne - mechanizmy účinku. In: Veterinární klinika. 2007. ISSN 1214-6080, Roč. 4, č. 4 (2007), s. 128-132.
2006 ADC KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - SOBEKOVÁ, Anna - BLAHOVEC, Ján. Influence of ruminant amniotic fluid fractions on fibroblast and lymphocyte proliferation. In: Acta veterinaria Brno. 2006. ISSN 0001-7213, Roč. 75, č. 2 (2006), s. 169-174.
(2006: 0.491 - IF, 36 - H-index, 0.284 - SJR, Q3 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
2006 ADC BLAHOVEC, Ján - KOSTECKÁ, Zuzana - KOČIŠOVÁ, Alica. Peptidolytic enzymes in different larval stadium of housefly Musca domestica. In: Veterinární medicína. 2006. ISSN 0375-8427, Roč. 51, č. 4 (2006), s. 139-144.
Number of records in database: 125
Last database update: 07. 11. 2023 12:52:23
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