Title: Traumatic injury to the incisive bones and maxillary dentition in a male gray wolf (Canis lupus L.) from Slovakia.
Record: LAZÁR, Peter - KONJEVIČ, Dean - KIERDORF, Uwe - NIEMIROVSKIJ, Vera - ČURLÍK, Ján - GRUBEŠIČ, Marijan. Traumatic injury to the incisive bones and maxillary dentition in a male gray wolf (Canis lupus L.) from Slovakia. In: European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2009. ISSN 1612-4642, Vol. 55, No. 1 (2009), s. 85-89.
(2009: 1.136 - IF, 44 - H-index, 1.279 - IF 5y, 0.624 - SJR, Q2 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q)
Year: 2009
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:LAZÁR Peter0 %
GRUBEŠIČ Marijan0 %
Edition: European Journal of Wildlife Research
Vol. 55, No. 1 (2009), s. 85-89
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 2009: 1.136 - IF, 44 - H-index, 1.279 - IF 5y, 0.624 - SJR, Q2 - SJR Best Q, Q2 - JCR Best Q
Language: english
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