Title: Imunocytochemický dôkaz BLV metódou koloidného zlata v histologickom materiáli : [Immunocytochemical BLV evidence by the method of colloid gold in histological material]
Record: LEVKUT, Mikuláš - KOSTROUCH, Z. - LEŠNÍK, František - BÁLENT, Pavol - ŠKARDA, Rudolf. Imunocytochemický dôkaz BLV metódou koloidného zlata v histologickom materiáli : [Immunocytochemical BLV evidence by the method of colloid gold in histological material] In: . Abstracts of the 3rd Veterinary Oncological Days in Košice with Foreign Participation. Košice 1988. 1988. s. 68-69.
Year: 1988
Category: AFH - Abstracts of papers from domestic scientific conferences
Authors:LEVKUT Mikuláš0 %
LEŠNÍK František0 %
BÁLENT Pavol0 %
ŠKARDA Rudolf0 %
Edition: Abstracts of the 3rd Veterinary Oncological Days in Košice with Foreign Participation. Košice 1988
s. 68-69
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: slovak
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