Title: Epidural perfusion cooling protects against spinal cord ischemia in rabbits - An evaluation of cholinergic function.
Record: MALÁTOVÁ, Želmíra - VANICKÝ, Ivo - GÁLIK, Ján - MARŠALA, Martin. Epidural perfusion cooling protects against spinal cord ischemia in rabbits - An evaluation of cholinergic function. In: Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology. 1995. ISSN 1044-7393, Vol. 25, č. 2-3(1995), s. 81-96.
(1995: 1.151 - IF)
Year: 1995
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:MALÁTOVÁ Želmíra0 %
GÁLIK Ján0 %
MARŠALA Martin0 %
Edition: Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology
Vol. 25, č. 2-3(1995), s. 81-96
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 1995: 1.151 - IF
Language: english
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