Title: The results of functionin of the emergency help facility and rehabilitation centre at the university farm in Rozhanovce.
Record: MIŠKO, Ján - PANCÁK, J. - VAŠKO, Ladislav - CIBEREJ, Juraj. The results of functionin of the emergency help facility and rehabilitation centre at the university farm in Rozhanovce. In: . Simposium Internacional sobre Fauna Salvaje.Celebrado en Zamora (Espana) del 4 al 8 de Diciembre de 1998. 1998. s. 38.
Year: 1998
Category: AFG - Abstracts of papers from foreign scientific conferences
Authors:MIŠKO Ján0 %
VAŠKO Ladislav0 %
CIBEREJ Juraj0 %
Edition: Simposium Internacional sobre Fauna Salvaje.Celebrado en Zamora (Espana) del 4 al 8 de Diciembre de 1998
S. 38
Country of issue: Spain
Research area: neuvedená
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