Title: Response of NADPH-diaphoraseexhibiting neurons in the medullar reticular formation to high spinal cord injury.
Record: KUCHÁROVÁ, Katarína - JALČ, Patrik - RADOŇÁK, Jozef - MARŠALA, Jozef. Response of NADPH-diaphoraseexhibiting neurons in the medullar reticular formation to high spinal cord injury. In: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 2004. ISSN 0272-4340, Vol. 24, č. 6(2004), s. 865-872.
(2004: 1.970 - IF, 87 - H-index, 1.053 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q)
Year: 2004
Category: ADC - Scientific papers in foreign journals
Authors:KUCHÁROVÁ Katarína0 %
JALČ Patrik0 %
RADOŇÁK Jozef0 %
MARŠALA Jozef0 %
Edition: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Vol. 24, č. 6(2004), s. 865-872
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Scientometrics: 2004: 1.970 - IF, 87 - H-index, 1.053 - SJR, Q1 - SJR Best Q, Q3 - JCR Best Q
Language: english
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