Title: Spontaneous ovulation in the cats : [Spontánna ovulácia u mačiek]
Record: HAJURKA, Jaroslav - HORŇÁKOVÁ, Ľubica - VITKOVÁ, Tatiana. Spontaneous ovulation in the cats : [Spontánna ovulácia u mačiek] In: EVSSAR : Kongres. Reproduction and pediatrics in dogs, cats and exotics, 26th September 2014, Wroclaw, Poland : The Proceedings of the 17th EVSSAR Congress. 1. vyd. Oxon : CABI, 2014. ISBN 978-83-63026-96-7, s. 183.
Year: 2014
Category: AFG - Abstracts of papers from foreign scientific conferences
Authors:HAJURKA Jaroslav60 %
HORŇÁKOVÁ Ľubica30 %
VITKOVÁ Tatiana10 %
Autori vydania:SCHÄFER-SOMI Sabine, PARTYKA Agnieszka
Edition: Reproduction and pediatrics in dogs, cats and exotics, 26th September 2014, Wroclaw, Poland
The Proceedings of the 17th EVSSAR Congress
S. 183
Publisher: CABI
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Oxon
Country of issue: Poland
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Language: english
ARL URL: https://arl4.library.sk/arl-uvlk/sk/detail-uvlk_un_cat-0021564-Spontaneous-ovulation-in-the-cats/
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