Title: Metabolic and immune response to inflammation in dairy cows : [Metabolická a imunitná reakcia dojníc pri zápalových ochoreniach]
Record: MUDROŇ, Pavol. Metabolic and immune response to inflammation in dairy cows : [Metabolická a imunitná reakcia dojníc pri zápalových ochoreniach] In: Proceedings of the XV. Middle European Buiatric Congress and 10th ECBHM Symposium, June 10th-13th June 2015, Maribor, Slovenia. 1. vyd. Maribor : Slovensko bujatrično družstvo, 2015. s. 91-92.
Year: 2015
Category: BEE - Professional papers in foreign peer-reviewed proceedings (conference and non-conference)
Authors:MUDROŇ Pavol100 %
Edition: Proceedings of the XV. Middle European Buiatric Congress and 10th ECBHM Symposium, June 10th-13th June 2015, Maribor, Slovenia
25th Conference of the Slovenian Buiatric Association
S. 91-92
Publisher: Slovensko bujatrično družstvo
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Maribor
Country of issue: Slovenia
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Language: english
ARL URL: https://arl4.library.sk/arl-uvlk/sk/detail-uvlk_un_cat-0023633-Metabolic-and-immune-response-to-inflammation-in-dairy-cows/
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