Title: Influence of the seasons on the circadian rhythm of blood glucose and tissue glycogen in male Wistar rats.
Record: AHLERSOVÁ, Eva - AHLERS, Ivan - GARLATIOVÁ, E. - TOROPILA, Michal - ŠMAJDA, Beňadik. Influence of the seasons on the circadian rhythm of blood glucose and tissue glycogen in male Wistar rats. In: Physiologia Bohemoslovaca. 1982. ISSN 0369-9463, Vol. 31, č. 1(1982), s. 45-55.
Year: 1982
Category: ADF - Scientific papers in other domestic journals
Authors:AHLERSOVÁ Eva0 %
AHLERS Ivan0 %
TOROPILA Michal0 %
ŠMAJDA Beňadik0 %
Edition: Physiologia Bohemoslovaca
Vol. 31, č. 1(1982), s. 45-55
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
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