Title: Concentration of progesterone and thyroxine in the luteal phase of the cycle in heifers after administration of estradiol benzoate : [Koncentrácia progesterónu a tyroxínu v luteálnej fáze cyklu jalovíc po ovplyvnení estradiol benzoátom]
Record: ELEČKO, Juraj - BEKEOVÁ, Eva - CHOMA, Ján - MARAČEK, Imrich. Concentration of progesterone and thyroxine in the luteal phase of the cycle in heifers after administration of estradiol benzoate : [Koncentrácia progesterónu a tyroxínu v luteálnej fáze cyklu jalovíc po ovplyvnení estradiol benzoátom] In: Veterinární medicína. 1982. ISSN 0375-8427, Vol. 27, č. 12(1982), s. 705-714.
Year: 1982
Category: ADD - Scientific papers in domestic journals
Authors:ELEČKO Juraj0 %
CHOMA Ján0 %
MARAČEK Imrich0 %
Edition: Veterinární medicína
Vol. 27, č. 12(1982), s. 705-714
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: neuvedená
Language: english
2016: [1] MEYERHOLZ, Marie Margarete - MENSE, Kirsten - LINDEN, Matthias - RALIOU, Mariam - SANDRA, Olivier - SCHUBERTH, Hans-Joachim - HOEDEMAKER, Martina - SCHMICKE, Marion. Peripheral thyroid hormone levels and hepatic thyroid hormone deiodinase gene expression in dairy heifers on the day of ovulation and during the early peri-implantation period. In ACTA VETERINARIA SCANDINAVICA. ISSN 0044-605X, 2016, vol. 58, no., pp. [WoS]
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