Title: In vivo effect of hydroxyapatite ceramies visualized by X-rays.
Record: DANKO, Ján - MEDVECKÝ, Ľubomír - MASSANYI, Peter - BOLDIŽÁR, Martin - PETROVOVÁ, Eva. In vivo effect of hydroxyapatite ceramies visualized by X-rays. In: NanoInBio 2016 : 1. vyd. Paris : CNRS, 2016. s. 54-55.
Year: 2016
Category: BFA - Abstracts of professional works from foreign events (conferences ...)
Authors:DANKO Ján80 %
MEDVECKÝ Ľubomír5 %
BOLDIŽÁR Martin5 %
Edition: NanoInBio 2016
The First Conference on Nanosciences at the interface between Materials and Biological Systems, May 31st - June 5th 2016, Le Gosier, French West Indies (FWI)
S. 54-55
Publisher: CNRS
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Paris
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: 180 - Medical, pharmaceutical and non-medical health sciences
Language: english
ARL URL: https://arl4.library.sk/arl-uvlk/sk/detail-uvlk_un_cat-0025723-In-vivo-effect-of-hydroxyapatite-ceramies-visualized-by-Xrays/
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