Title: Mastitis pathogens and their resistance againstantimicrobial agents in herds of dairy cows situated in marginal parts of Slovakia : [Pôvodcovia mastitíd a ich rezistencia v stádach dojníc situovaných v marginálnych častiach Slovenska]
Record: ZIGO, František - ZIGOVÁ, Martina. Mastitis pathogens and their resistance againstantimicrobial agents in herds of dairy cows situated in marginal parts of Slovakia : [Pôvodcovia mastitíd a ich rezistencia v stádach dojníc situovaných v marginálnych častiach Slovenska] In: . Interaktívna konferencia mladých vedcov 2018 : Zborník abstraktov. 1. vyd. Bratislava : OZ Preveda, 2018. ISBN 978-80-972360-2-1, online, s. [1-1]
Year: 2018
Category: AFH - Abstracts of papers from domestic scientific conferences
Authors:ZIGO František80 %
ZIGOVÁ Martina20 %
Autori vydania:FARKAŠ Pavol, FERKO Miroslav, MASTIHUBA Vladimír, SULOVÁ Zdena, WACZULIKOVÁ Iveta
Edition: Interaktívna konferencia mladých vedcov 2018
Interactive Conference of Young Scientists
Zborník abstraktov
online, S. [1-1]
Publisher: OZ Preveda
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Bratislava
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Language: english
URL: https://abstracts.preveda.sk/?abstract=1790
ARL URL: https://arl4.library.sk/arl-uvlk/sk/detail-uvlk_un_cat-0031085-Mastitis-pathogens-and-their-resistance-againstantimicrobial-agents-in-herds-of-dairy-cows-situated/
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