Title: The surgical anatomy of the rat pancreas : [Anatómia pankreasu potkana]
Record: VDOVIAKOVÁ, Katarína - KREŠÁKOVÁ, Lenka - PETROVOVÁ, Eva - MALOVESKÁ, Marcela - ČÍŽKOVÁ, Dáša. The surgical anatomy of the rat pancreas : [Anatómia pankreasu potkana] In: Morphology. Morphology 2018 : Programme and Abstracts of the 51th International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society and 55th Lojda Symposium in Histochemistry, September 6-9, 2018, Jihlava. 1. vyd. Jihlava : Vysoká škola polytechnická, 2018. ISBN 978-80-88064-35-0, online, s. 51.
Year: 2018
Category: AFG - Abstracts of papers from foreign scientific conferences
Authors:VDOVIAKOVÁ Katarína35 %
MALOVESKÁ Marcela15 %
ČÍŽKOVÁ Dáša15 %
Autori vydania:BÁČA Václav, KACHLÍK David, DVOŘÁKOVÁ Vlasta
Edition: Morphology 2018
Programme and Abstracts of the 51th International Congress of the Czech Anatomical Society and 55th Lojda Symposium in Histochemistry, September 6-9, 2018, Jihlava
online, S. 51
Publisher: Vysoká škola polytechnická
Issue number: 1. vyd.
Place of issue: Jihlava
Country of issue: Czech Republic
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Language: english
URL: http://www.morphology2018.cz/morphology_abstract_book.pdf
ARL URL: https://arl4.library.sk/arl-uvlk/sk/detail-uvlk_un_cat-0031256-The-surgical-anatomy-of-the-rat-pancreas/
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