Title: Diagnostika ochorení sietnice pomocou elektroretinografie : [Electroretinography in the diagnosis of retinal diseases]
Record: BALICKA, Agnieszka Alexandra - TRBOLOVÁ, Alexandra - LAPŠANSKÁ, Mária. Diagnostika ochorení sietnice pomocou elektroretinografie : [Electroretinography in the diagnosis of retinal diseases] In: Vetžurnál. 2020. ISSN 0025-858X, Roč. 18, č. 2 (2020), s. 44-48.
Year: 2020
Category: BDF - Professional work in other domestic magazines
Authors:BALICKA Agnieszka Alexandra80 %
TRBOLOVÁ Alexandra10 %
Edition: Vetžurnál
Roč. 18, č. 2 (2020), s. 44-48
Country of issue: Slovakia
Research area: 200 - Veterinary Sciences
Language: slovak
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